Revolted 7 puppies in the trash and was scanned into the cameras | Chronic


Cruelty to animals covers the whole world. And this time, we go to California, USA, where the security cameras of an alley recorded a brutal act of human bestiality. A woman threw a nylon bag with seven puppies inside and left without any remorse.

The event was announced thanks to the Riverside County Wildlife Service who posted chilling pictures on his Facebook account. You can see how a woman comes out of her white Jeep and throws the bag behind the NAPA Auto Parts store located in Coachella.

Fortunately for the puppies, an hour later, a person pbading through the area heard noises from the dump and quickly rescued the animals that, according to the specialist, were three-day-old bastard terrier puppies.

Puppies have been adopted

"Without the actions of a good Samaritan, it is possible that the puppies have not survived for a long time.The temperatures at Coachella Thursday were around 32 ° C"said the animal services department who intervened in the event.

In addition, the CNN portal reported that Chris MayerThe head of the puppy-holding establishment is now opening a case of animal abuse with the prosecutor and the local police. "There is no excuse for leaving the puppies"said the man. The woman, meanwhile, is intensely sought after by the authorities.


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