"Rex Rex": presented the remains of the largest Tyrannosaurus in the world – 27/03/2019


Palaeontologists at the University of Alberta presented the remains of the Tyrannosaurus Rex largest in the world and the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Canada.

The T-Rex of 13 meters long, nicknamed "Scotty", lived in what is now the Canadian province of Saskatchewan 66 million years ago.

"These are the Rex Rex"Scott Persons, lead author of the study and postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Biological Sciences. "There is considerable size variability among tyrannosaurs, some individuals were longer than others and more robust. Scotty illustrates the robust. Take careful measurements of your legs, hips and even your shoulder. Scotty is a little stronger than other specimens of T-Rex. "

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Scotty, nicknamed by a bottle of whiskey with which his discovery was celebrated, has bones in his legs that suggest a live weight of over 8,800 kiloswhich makes it bigger than any other carnivorous dinosaur. The scientific work on Scotty was therefore a gigantic project.

The skeleton was discovered for the first time at 1991, at the project's call to the paleontologists, including expert T. Rex and Phil Currie, professor at the University of Alberta. But the hard sandstone that surrounded the bones took more than ten years to be removed; Only now have scientists been able to study Scotty completely badembled and understand the unique characteristics of this dinosaur.

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It's not just the size and weight of Scotty that sets it apart. The Canadian mega rex also stands out his advanced age.

"Scotty is the famous T-Rex who died later," he says. "With what I mean, I would have had a lot of candles on your last birthday cake.You can get an idea of ​​the age of a dinosaur by cutting off the bones and by studying his growth habits. Scotty is an old man"

But age is relative and the T-Rex grew quickly and died young. It is estimated that Scotty had about 30 years when he died.

"According to Tyrannosaur standards, he had an exceptionally long life. And it was violent"Says people." Huddled in the skeleton are the pathologies, the places where bones with scars they record great wounds ".

Of Scotty's injuries are Broken ribs, an infected jaw and what could be a bite of another T-Rex in his tail: scars of a long life.

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"I think there will always be great discoveries to make," said Persons. "But from now on, this particular tyrannosaur isThe greatest known terrestrial predator of science"

A new exhibition on Scotty's skeleton is scheduled to open at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in May 2019.

Source: DPA



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