Ricardo Alfonsín asked to "leave some peace" to Florencia Kirchner and warned about "the legacy" of the Macri government – 04/10/2019


Former radical deputy Ricardo Alfonsín asked leave "a little in peace" to Florencia Kirchner and severely criticized the economic management of the government led by Mauricio Macri.

Given the situation in which the daughter of former Presidents Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, who is in Cuba for medical treatment, and who was absent in federal courts in the course of his cases where he is charged, is money laundering, the radical referent pointed out: "I'll leave her a little in peace, she seems to be in trouble".

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In turn, he argued that "there is no procedural act that requires it to be here now". "We need to have a little more consideration for a girl who is sick and who has never refused to appear in court, we must not lose sight of this behavior that concerns the human," added the son of former president Raul Alfonsin in an interview with journalist Luis Novaresio on the chain A24.

On the other hand, the radical questioned the economic policy of Cambiemos and said that no formula in which "only fiscal balance and monetary stability are guaranteed, believing that everything is resolved only afterwards" has been a success. "It did not exist anywhere in the world," he added.

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In this context, and following the October elections, Alfonsín indicated that "Change we can lose". "I have a hard time understanding that the radicals and the PRO do not realize that it is necessary to change policies and recover the expectations of society," he said.

In addition, he warned that the "legacy" that the next government will face will be more difficult than the one left by the Kirchner in 2015. "The socio-economic indicators that made him lose the election of Cristina Kirchner, and justify that it be said that the legacy is heavy, they are the same or worse, "he said.



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