Ricardo Darín and Mercedes Morán: the most awaited couple


Darín and Morán interpret a marriage of decades that, before the empty nest, their happiness is questioned in "Love less thought" Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Filipuzzi

If the card has been drawn careers of

Ricardo Darín

Mercedes Morán
should draw two parallel lines, two professional paths with similarities and differences that began almost at the same time and which gained miles of experience, recognition and popularity among television, theater and film . Two roads that crossed briefly fourteen years ago in certain scenes of
Luna de Avellaneda and who brought them here, up to
Love less thought the romantic comedy that has them as essential protagonists. As if it were these predestined encounters that abound in romantic cinema, the film – which opens on Thursday 2 – brings them together simply because it was the right time.

"When we were invited to give shape to this project, the feeling that I had was that the same thing happened to us: that it was time to do something together I can not imagine doing this story with another actress, not just because when I read the book, I saw it … Knowing your mood, your pH, I felt that all the planets were aligned. " says Darin, who was so enthusiastic about the screenplay that director Juan Vera wrote with Daniel Cúparo, in addition to being an actor, he decided that
Love Less Thought would be the first company in Kenya Films, the producer who armed his son, Chino. And this without having, he says, the crucial information that Morán now shares with him: "Juan says that he wrote it with both of us thinking about it."

If Darin and Moran were the inspiration for the characters of Marcos and Ana – the marriage of more than twenty years face to the abyss of the empty nest -, the story told by the film seems to come directly from the romantic comedies of clbadic Hollywood. Stories of love and humor that took the time to present what they wanted to tell and which rested on the meticulous construction of each of their characters.

"In this film, the treatment of humor and emotion are neither forced nor they have low blows, making it a very noble material, which does not speculate, there has a clbadic treatment of its kind, but there is no clichés or effective formula, "says the actress who a few weeks ago
won the Best Actress Award at the Karlovy Vary Festival for her work in Dream Florianopolis by Ana Katz.

Actors who, put into "office work" before filming, find another happy coincidence in the way they wanted to tell the story of Marcos and Ana, two mature people, apparently more cerebral than they were. emotional, who, in the course of a good day, begin to ask questions that they do not know – or even if they should – answer

Our suggestions were about the l? resource economy, Juan was left with two growers this way to work, to have more with less. You can defend this style when you trust, when you have faith in the exchange, when at a glance understand and communicate what is happening, in this case it was like that: we believed in what we could build with the link, in the relationship of this couple, we trust the path of the characters to be able to transmit it is more with gestures than with words ", Darin said. Morán adds: "From the beginning, the screenplay had a quality that I found very interesting and that reinforced this criterion shared with Ricardo, there is not a big farewell or goodbye scene. a big recognition scene, these clichés are not there.the little events, because all this is less solemn, less pretentious, it was from the first version of the script and that's where we found the way. "

Source: LA NACION – Credit: Santiago Filipuzzi

" Quiet, we have our whole life ahead of us, "says Marcos. "That's what scares me," Ana replies, immersed in an existential crisis that begins when their son goes abroad to study and the house that shares the marriage seems to be full of things that make it difficult for them to get married. he no longer finds meaning Some decorative masks, a harpoon recessed into the wall, this cup that he holds in his hands because he can not do anything else, small silent reminders that some thing "a lot" is not going well.

"What the characters live generates a lot of empathy Because what happens to this couple is something that all couples go through, the question arises:" What do we have that is still love? " These two, Ana and Marcos, take the bull by the horns and answer the question: "Will there be another life possible, equal or happier than the one I have?" And as we say with Darín: there are not many movies telling a love story of people of our age, young people, personally, as a spectator and as a woman, I'm 39 love that these stories are told because love accompanies us all and does not have a single age, "says Morán, who works wonderfully with Ana, a woman who breaks her marriage is still a interesting person, intelligent and extremely funny, another rarity for the most recent romantic comedies, which usually relegate women in their situation to be desperate homemakers, the end of a joke that does not cause any thanks. The opposite of what generates the adventures and misadventures of Ana, and that of Marcos, of course, to which Darín gives the perfect measure of misguidance, emotion and maturity. But the actor already says, "In this film, funny women are." And especially Morán. "For me, Mercedes does an exceptional job in the film and I say it since the first shots," says Darin, and looks at his friend with a smile because he knows what will happen.

that all the work we could do was done because there was a meeting, coincidences, for me to work with Ricardo was very nice and when it happens you everything is easier, you are a scene where you have to look with love after twenty years of marriage and it is not easy, even if you have an actor you admire, someone you like as is our case, but also in the case of acting and building this link, you need a lot of understanding. is a round trip that we build between the two, "says the actress, and Darin laughs, and he insists:" He says all this because he does not accept the compliment, it's true that it's easier to build a story when you admire what the other does, when you realize that you play the right note. mark and when you hear that the instruments are tuned, that everything is in its place and that the student interpretation, you feel that you are part of something that is happening, and that is very stimulating. the energy you have been setting up for ten hours, it's hot, it's cold, you're hungry, it does not matter. "It is that sometimes, in the best of cases and with the best fellow travelers, a movie is quite like love.

Darín, about the abuse charges: "Time will put things in their place"

Since the statements were known
by Valeria Bertucelli and
Erica Rivas in which both, with differences, talked about the bad experience that they had had working with Darín in the work
Scenes from married life ,
the actor knows that he will be questioned on the subject. And he also knows that everything he says generates more controversy and misunderstanding.

"With all this controversy, I have received very different opinions, very different recommendations, advice of all kinds, attentive and respectful of the moment of social mobility, especially in the female collective, j & # 39; have understood something clearly: you have to be very careful with what you say because it may seem that you want to victimize to defend yourself or that you misunderstand and that you offend or attack to defend yourself. and what I find very difficult is to have to defend myself against something that I do not feel guilty about … To be clear and concrete, I think I have to have confidence that time puts things in their place Of course, it will never happen what I would like to happen, that is to say that some one spell to say "This is not true, I'm 39, was wrong ", but I am confident that in the long run, the truth will appear". e the situation, the "rain cloud" that he has on his head because of the subject that, to anyone's surprise, has become a subject that has traveled through the networks, where there is speculation and manipulation

"The pernicious thing is that things float, and they are altered and distorted, so what appeared as a stratum now, as I read in a social network, is a comment like," I can not believe that Ricardo Darín is an aggressor. "When you see that these things happen, the hairs of your neck stop a little and you do not really know what to do, who should I watch out for? that it is to make a request or it is for this other thing? I do not want to do anything about it. I have no intentions of revenge or I wish harm to whoever it is, the only thing I would like, is that my name be a little more peaceful, "argues the actor, sasha. It is unlikely that peace will come in the immediate future. "It's not a good counselor to feel hurt, to feel slandered, I think I need more time, where we can talk without being misunderstood." [19659021] In the presentation of the film, behind the Kenya Films logo, the production company that created Darin with his Chinese son ” style=””/>

In the presentation of the film, behind, the Kenya Films logo, the production company that has created Darín with his Chinese son Source: Gerardo Viercovich

The film, first producer of his Chinese son

Love less thought shows the expected encounter between Darín and Morán on the screen, another meeting existed outside the box. "The producer is a crazy idea of ​​the Chinese that I followed, it was a concern for him that pierced my brain for years, even though it was more of a necessity than mine, the nobility forces: if the guy decided to follow this path Acting under the influence of what we live together, what I could do was to make it with confidence and accompany it in this There is a time in life where what you want is working less, not more.I do not talk about retirement taking things more calmly, enjoying life, getting rid of certain things. .. It did not happen, just the opposite, I'm happy for him and for me. "

Morán, rewarded abroad

When they told him that
Dream Florianópolis the film of Ana Katz who also plays, would participate in the festival of Karlovy Vary, admits Morán who had a false idea, prejudice of what would be in the Czech film festival,
in which she won the award for best actress and film, two other awards.

"It was a wonderful experience … wonderful festival, with a fantastic program, with a spectacular organization, we imagine a party of the year. "Eastern Europe with a certain solemnity, and nothing was further from what we live," recalls Morán who left the scene with valuable advice. "The price in itself is a beautiful but huge sculpture, and they laugh at it, they immediately told me that I would not forget to send it back because if it was in my carry-on, they would would take for a blunt object "

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