Ricardo Monreal considered regular marijuana use a priority in the Senate in the face of legal vacuum


Ricardo Monreal will prioritize legislation for the recreational use of marijuana (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Ricardo Monreal will prioritize legislation for the recreational use of marijuana (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Ricardo Monreal, coordinator of the bank Brunette in the Senate of the Republica, considered that it was a priority to resolve the legal vacuum in the legislation that encourages the recreational use of cannabis in Mexico in order to resolve the problem of consumption.

In a brief interview with the press, the senator of National Regeneration Movement (Brunette) explained that the resolution of Supreme Court of Justice of the Nationdoes not solve the problem of consumption and the marijuana ban, simply declares sections of the health law unconstitutional “which needed to be reformed for the proposal to be put into practice.”

In addition to this, he pointed out that there are still criminal offenses possession, transport, harvest and planting in the Federal Criminal Code (CPF) and considered that the judiciary does not deal with social issues; however, he was respectful of her determination.

Ricardo Monreal considered the reform of the General Health Law as a priority to integrate marijuana as a recreational plant (Photo: Misael Valtierra / Cuartoscuro)
Ricardo Monreal considered the reform of the General Health Law as a priority to integrate marijuana as a recreational plant (Photo: Misael Valtierra / Cuartoscuro)

He also highlighted the fact that the SCJN requested that the Federal Commission for the Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) is responsible for determining the guidelines for excess marijuana seemed inappropriate because it is beyond the capabilities of the body.

“Where are you going to buy it, what quality, how are you going to buy it, who are you going to supply it to, how much will it be allowed to supply; because the Olympic Court said: “Let Cofepris solve, let Cofepris dictate the directives”. But it’s very serious, Cofepris cannot legislate, Cofepris cannot do that “

This is why he has already taken measures in the matter and explained that he is discussing with other parliamentary leaders to resolve on the basis of the legislation which they themselves have approved and to verify the principles of constitutionality. By which raised two scenarios.

The first of these is that the “court ruled on unconstitutionality, the five articles he declared unconstitutional are outside the national regulatory framework and that’s it, and the House of Senators and Congress are no longer obligated to do anything. It could, in one hypothesis, remain as it is, which would seem very delicate to me ”.

The SCJN found five points unconstitutional in the cannabis law (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The SCJN found five points unconstitutional in the cannabis law (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Regarding the other scenario, Monreal Ávila said that “The motu proprio of the Senate or the motu proprio of the Congress of the Union shall legislate in the matter”, which seemed the most appropriate.

However, this additional work in the federal legislative branch could cause a delay in the political agenda of the public administration, since there are other reforms that remain pending, for which he stressed the importance of dialogue with the coordinators of other banks to prioritize this reform.

“We will have three priority issues: tackling the health emergency, tackling the issue of public safety and tackling the economic recovery”

As if this were not enough, the legislator awaits the other reforms coming from the federal executive: Electricity reform, National Guard reform and electoral policy reform.

The Senate of the Republic seeks authorization for the recreational use of marijuana (Photo art: Steve Allen)
The Senate of the Republic seeks authorization for the recreational use of marijuana (Photo art: Steve Allen)

Even with this workload, the Doctor of Law considered that this type of question is part of the normal legislative exercise and that they constitute, to a large extent, what should happen in a country with a balance of power.

“The (judiciary) has already declared unconstitutional the sections it wants us to amend. That’s it, nothing is happening, it’s part of the balance of power. It’s also not about being afraid or getting angry, it’s part of the balance of power. “

He finally insisted that you cannot demand the Cofepris to be the decisive actor in the regulation of the use of cannabis in Mexico, because it does not fall within its competence.

Although the Court decided that Cofepris should issue and issue authorizations for planting, growing and transporting marijuana individually to people over 18, it cannot issue guidelines that are general standards, ”he concluded.


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