Ricky Marxin: memes have invaded the networks after the Puerto Rican act


The singer and thousands of people have celebrated the resignation of the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló.

Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin is engaged in the political crisis in his country. In recent weeks, he has demonstrated to thousands of people demanding the resignation of Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló, whom he described as "cynical and Machiavellian".

Specifically, Rosselló announced that he would step down on Aug. 2, because of the scandal caused by the escape from a conversation full of rude, badist and insulting messages between the president and his key collaborators.


Ricky Martin, who was part of the parades with Residente and Bad Bunny, among other artists, celebrated the news with a message on the networks: "Puerto Rico, we did it. And we realized it in peace. No weapons, like Gandhi. We demand respect and they listened to us. Respect for Puerto Rican girls, Puerto Rican women, respect for the LGBT community, respect for our dead. This will not happen again.

The victory was very celebrated in the networks, even through memes whose creator, "Livin 'emptied it loca", was the absolute protagonist.


Ricky Martin celebrated the resignation of Rosselló: "We did it without weapons, like Gandhi"

To integrate

And then, Ricky Martin, with his super powers, freed the people of Puerto Rico, did Ricardo Rossello give up and that is how it was declared that the new anthem was Live the crazy life. pic.twitter.com/QUNmAcRmj8

– Carolina Gutierrez (@Bellealouette) July 25, 2019


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