Rio de Janeiro suspends vaccination against cor …


From Rio de Janeiro

The city of Rio de Janeiro only has vaccines until Tuesday. The province of Bahia is already running out of bottles. It grows the prospect of the suspension of vaccination in many regions of Brazil for at least two weeks due to lack of vaccinations.

That’s it the most eloquent picture of the chaos and tragedy facing the country led by Jair Bolsonaro.

General Eduardo Pazuello, installed at the Ministry of Health, was announced by the president as a senior logistics specialist. In practice, an Olympic disaster was revealed.

The tragedy in Manaus, capital of the Amazonas, is the most concrete proof of the government’s ineffectiveness without return: dozens of patients have died of suffocation from lack of oxygen. Despite having been warned in advance that supplies were low, Pazuello chose to recommend non-existent “early treatment”.

According to estimates from the most respected Brazilian scientific research institutes, If the current rate is maintained, only in March 2024, the country will have succeeded in vaccinating all of its population over 18 years old. At least 240,000 Brazilians have already died, and for two weeks the average of one thousand deaths per day was maintained.

Despite the concrete data and the slow pace of vaccination, Pazuello said that by the end of the year, the entire Brazilian population will have been vaccinated. Reality, once again, reveals the opposite of what the general said.

Brazil has, or had, a vaccination system considered to be a world benchmark. The capacity of the public health system is to immunize one million people every day. This is not the case because he does not have what to do.

Its two main scientific institutions dedicated to the research and production of immunizers, Butantan, in São Paulo, and the Osvaldo Cruz Foundation, in Rio, cannot cope with the criminal delay of the federal government in the acquisition of vaccines and drugs. supplies to produce them.

To all that we must add the irresponsibility of mayors and governors who refuse to impose rigorous social isolation. In these carnival days, what you see in Rio is maddening: huge crowds of people without masks, without keeping their distance, without anything.

The same thing was observed at the end of the holiday season in almost all Brazilian cities, and which led to a new epidemic of covid-19. There is every reason to predict that the tragedy will repeat itself.

To all this, Jair Bolsonaro continues to set the worst example: instead of adopting urgent measures to fight the pandemic, he continues to provoke popular agglomerations, despising the dangers of the coronavirus and fiercely criticizing those who defend isolation. social.


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