Río Negro will charge Chile for patient care in hospitals in the province


The province of Río Negro will charge the Chilean State each citizen served in the hospitals of Bariloche and El Bolsón, in accordance with an agreement signed by the Ministry of Health of that province and the governorate of Los Ríos and Los Lagos.

"We met for the first time 90 days ago to collect the benefits of the Chilean patients treated at the public hospital of Bariloche and we hardly advance because of the bad weather. benefits that we offer today without paying them. "Chile has the same agreement with Esquel Hospital," said Rio Negro Health Minister Fabian Zgaib, Black River.

Although no authority has yet announced the value of the benefits, it was learned that the agreement was reciprocal, so that Argentines could also be treated in public hospitals of the neighboring country.

"It is possible to conclude a reciprocal agreement, but today I am interested in what we are working on and do not charge anything on this side." As soon as the agreement is signed, it will take 30 days to obtain the ministerial resolution and from there, he will begin to charge "Zgaib detailed.


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