Río Negro will charge Chileans to attend public hospitals


As is known, the agreement was signed during a working meeting with health referrals from both countries. Minister Zgaib and the regional ministerial secretary have advanced the signing of a similar agreement for this region of the neighboring country.

In this regard, Fabián Zgaib, Minister of Health of Río Negro, explained that "the goal is to close the first conversation we had with our Chilean colleagues about the benefits, in order to recover some of the expenses incurred by Rio hospitals. Black serving immigrants in the border regions of Chile. "

"We are going to close the nomenclator, the values ​​and the benefits that we are going to work with the neighboring Chilean provinces, to collect what the Rio Negro public hospital is doing today," he added.

In this regard, he also stated that "there was always a very good predisposition and the reality is that the public system is made available without asking for nationality, but if we can accept and order some of these issues it would be very good, because in this crisis context, everything that contributes to the financing of the public hospital is welcome. "

The Chilean consul in Bariloche, Diego Velasco, also participated in the meeting of the health referents; the Secretary of Public Health Policy of Río Negro, Alfredo Muruaga; Los Lagos Regional Ministerial Secretary Scarlett Molt; Los Lagos Mayor Haary Jurgensen and Reloncavi Secretary of Health Jorge Tagle.

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