Rionegrinas cherries are already in China


The first shipment of cherries has arrived at their destination and they are already on the Chinese market. Pbaded test. Rio Negro cherries arrive almost 15 days before the arrival of eight containers of cherries shipped by boat on January 8 from the Chilean port of Valparaíso.

The shipment was made Friday by the company Cerezas Argentinas SA. who thus became the first to land his fresh produce in China.

The fruit comes from Cerezas Argentinas SA, a company located in Chimpay, which produces and sells since 2008 fresh cherries and other fruits such as pears and apples.

The official opening of the Chinese cherry market is undoubtedly a very good news for the region. All indications are that the growth potential of the valleys of norpatagonia with the development of this type of activity has no ceiling.

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The export now materialized is the product of the agreements signed by presidents Mauricio Macri and Xi Jinping last December in the framework of the G20.

The national production of this beautiful fruit exceeds the 13,000 tons, of which 5,500 are for export, according to industry figures.

Today, Patagonia has more than 1,100 hectares planted between Río Negro (420), Neuquén (250), Chubut (170) and Santa Cruz (200).

Rio Negro harvested more than 2,200 tonnes of cherries in 2018. The main countries to which this fruit is sold are the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Japan and Canada.


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