Road money K: they ratify the lack of merit to Cristina Kirchner


The Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires confirmed Friday the decision of Federal Judge Sebastian Casanello, to dictate the lack of merit of the former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, in the case of money laundering for which businessman Lázaro Báez is arrested.

In the same judgment, the I Court of Appeal emphasized "the need to deepen the investigation", to determine whether the former president had any connection with the crimes for which Báez was the subject of an investigation.

The Financial Information Unit (UIF) and the Office for the Fight Against Corruption challenged Casanello's decision, in which the judge stated that "there is not enough merit to prosecute or dismiss Cristina Fernández for the events that caused it intimada ", as part of the money laundering case directed against Báez.

With regard to this appeal, Judges Mariano Llorens and Pablo Bertuzzi stated that "the objections raised in the complaints, which ultimately contain a difference of opinion on the underlying issue, are insufficient to justify a procedural sanction. which invalidates the decision ".

Lázaro Báez. (Federico López Claro / Archive).

"With regard to the arguments which considered the decision of the magistrate of the degree to be unfounded and arbitrary, it is observed that the judge expressed the factual and legal grounds which led him to adopt the decision criticized and warning , beyond its success or error, the existence of a logical connection between the conclusions and the premisses valued, "said Llorens and Bertuzzi.

In addition, they maintained in Telam that there still remained "to corroborate the hypothesis that could account for the knowledge of the encartada on the actions of Báez as possible prestanombre".

The idea that Báez could be an exmandataria singer was inscribed in the file by the valijero Leonardo Fariña, who claimed that in front of a communication from the US Embbady, ​​Fernández from Kirchner would have asked Báez to be more cautious with the movements of money.

Acting statements of the defendants in the case of the notebooks, the Federal Chamber judges said that "it seems wise to proceed also to the badessment of the statements of the accountant Víctor Manzanares , those of Juan Manuel Campillo, and José López and any other declaration provided for in Law 27.304. "


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