Roberto Navarro has anticipated the exchange rate that burns the country


The journalist had anticipated a new coup of the dollar, which materialized on Wednesday.

March 27, 2019

The director of The destape, Roberto Navarro, planned two days ago the fierce exchange rate we are experiencing markets in the last few hours and has already put retail sales in dollars at $ 44.3.

"They tell me from the United States that the few international investors who have stayed with Argentine bonds are vulture type woods, ready to crack soon. That the last run it may be imminent", wrote the journalist on the night of March 25.

Wednesday, the dollar crossed the barrier of 44 dollars, already listed in several banks to more than 44.3 dollars and does not seem to have a ceiling.

To integrate

They tell me from the United States that the few international investors who have stayed with Argentine bonds are stamp-type vultures, ready to part ways soon. That the last round is imminent.

– Roberto Navarro (@robdnavarro) March 26, 2019

To integrate

The night before tonight, I posted this tweet warning that the last round had started.

Yesterday, the dollar was at 43.70 and today at 44.30.

Traditional media do not tell you anything

– Roberto Navarro (@robdnavarro) March 27, 2019


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