Robotics Cup 2019: Argentine students define who will represent the country at the next World Cup specialty


The research and development of robots, in addition to artificial intelligence systems, are trends on the contemporary technological scene at the international level. Our country continues to engage at this rate with the Robotics Cup 2019 to be held this week in the city of Buenos Aires.

The event, which will begin Thursday, August 29 and will continue until Saturday, July 31, will be the meeting of youth teams between 14 and 18 years old who will seek a place in the "First Global Challenge", the world robotics championship to be held at the end of October in the United Arab Emirates, more precisely in Dubai.

The participating teams come from different provinces of the country and must have between three and five students each. They must be mixed and have the support of a mentor with proven experience in this specialty.

The challenges of the 2019 edition will be articulated around an ecological theme: the sustainability of the oceans (Photo: First Global Challenge).
The challenges of the 2019 edition will be articulated around an ecological theme: the sustainability of the oceans (Photo: First Global Challenge).

Friday and Saturday the entrance will be free and free, but requires prior registration on the official website. The meeting will be held at Mary Terán Stadium, commonly known as Roca Park, in the southern part of the federal capital. It is organized by the Ministry of Education and Innovation of the city and Educabot, a company in the region.

In the contest, participants must demonstrate skills to find solutions to some "real" problems with the help of programming tools and robotics. From the organization, they explain that they are offered a play challenge, in this edition, around the theme of the sustainability of the oceans.

In addition, the invitation includes activities, games and a musical fence by Agabadis.

In this link you can find more information about the 2019 Robotics Cup and register to attend the event.


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