Rodríguez Larreta adds doubts for the elections | …


Although the Mayor of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, announced that the local elections would be unified with the national elections, the declared goal being to tie his luck to that of Mauricio Macri. Until now, the convocation has not been formalized. finally unfold the ballot, that is to say, do it at a different date than November 24, Sunday scheduled for the second national round. The data represent a complete sample of the situation the president is going through today, with a sharp image that no longer guarantees victory even in the city that invented it as a politician. Rodríguez Larreta has until April 22 to sign the call and unveil the mystery. One thing is to be elected both president and chief of the government of Buenos Aires and another is to be elected sole head of government.

In the current state of things, the Peronism of Buenos Aires and its allies of the national and popular camp are invited to solve their candidacies during the primaries. Although nothing was decided, the candidates for the post of prime minister would be Mariano Recalde on the side of La Campora and Victoria Donda as representatives of the wider armed push of the PJ leaders, which includes Kirchner areas. to non-Peronist sectors. The objective is to obtain a second place to the general to try to dislodge the macrismo of its main electoral bastion in the tie-up. But on the plan a cloud appeared with the irruption of the possible formula of Roberto Lavagna for the presidency and Martín Lousteau for the City.

Complementary, because Peronism would also be different if Cristina Kirchner was or was not a candidate. If, as everything seems to indicate, the sectors most identified with the former president – like the group La Cámpora and its allies – understand that they should occupy a more prominent place. important in the lists. After some initial doubts, Mariano Recalde now seems determined to stand alongside the management of Buenos Aires. The former owner of Aerolíneas had already applied for the job in 2015, just against Rodríguez Larreta and Lousteau. He came third, climbing 22%. To accompany him during the polls in national offices, still in the field of speculation, the names of Carlos Tomada or Daniel Filmus as the first senator and that of the legislator Paula Penacca, topped the list of deputies, are mixed.

But there is another area of ​​Peronism that understands that it is impossible to contemplate overcoming macrismo in the city without generating a broad armado containing references to the progressive, nac and pop domains. It is in this spirit that the space Marea Ciudadana was launched last year, with the participation of Gabriela Cerruti, the legislator Andrea Conde, the lawyer Eli Gómez Alcorta, l & # 39; economist Itai Hagman and secretary of the CTEP porteña, Rafael, among others. Klejzer. A few months later, with a similar orientation in which social demands mingle with new demands such as feminism, climate change and human rights, MP Victoria Donda introduced Somos, her new party after the break with Libres del Sur. Under the direction of PJ Capital, Víctor Santa María has established bridges with these sectors, as well as with Proyecto Sur by Pino Solanas and Unidad Popular by Claudio Lozano and Víctor De Gennaro.

This army would submit its own nominations, baduming that women hold the main ballot boxes. Donda is the one with the best chance of competing with Recalde for Buenos Aires, while Cerruti could fight for the Senate and Gómez Alcorta on the list of MPs. Another version puts Solanas on the ballot to renew his term in the Upper House. As for the other list, for the moment, these are all speculations.

The chances that the two spaces do not converge on the same ballot did not elapse either. There was a specific meeting of the main referents of the city during which we tried to give a name that would conform to all and could become an expression of progressivity in Buenos Aires, once the majority in the hands of Frepaso. Two club presidents were considered: one from River, Rodolfo D'Onofrio, and the other from San Lorenzo, Matías Lammens. In both cases, the poll was negative: the two leaders do not think you can win in the city with a ballot headed by Cristina Kirchner. This search for a foreign leader to Peronism, which could interest the Buenos Aires electorate – and even those who refer to the federal alternative in a possible armed unit – continues. The names they make are known – Fabundo Manes, Juan Carr – and they should be because there is not much time left. For the moment there were no advances.

In less time that this gestation takes this army, the possibility of the candidacy for the presidency of Roberto Lavagna appeared and for these days the possibility of being accompanied by Lousteau as a postulant to the City was added , forcing a dramatic break from radicalism – or important internal sector – to Cambiemos. If these nominations are confirmed, the election will change completely with the appearance of a very competitive ticket.

A poll that circulated last week among Buenos Aires leaders measured the intention to vote for pairs. Macri-Rodríguez Larreta retains first place at nearly 37%, while Cristina Kirchner-Recalde and Cristina Kirchner-Donda have about 24%. To this extent, the double beginner Lavagna-Lousteau is quite close to this number, a shot from second place. Leaving the second is the key to the ballot and the senator's bank of the minority.

In the environment of Rodríguez Larreta, they worried about these figures. They feel confident in the second round against a candidate Kirchner, but not against a member of a larger armed group, which exceeds Kirchnerism, or even against Lousteau himself, who was almost caught off guard in 2015 , at the best moment Let's change. This gave rise to new doubts about the date of the appeal, convinced that the nationalization of the election was no longer a good option given the negative image that macrismo accumulates month by month. There are only a few days left and the key decisions to make.


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