Roger Waters supported Maduro’s elections in Venezuela: “Go vote”


In a message recorded and shared on his social networks, the musician and founder of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters spoke directly to Venezuelans so that go vote this Sunday.

Venezuela will elect a new National Assembly to succeed the one that since 2015 has led the opposition and the deprived Chavismo of power, in elections boycotted by the main opposition parties and that of the international community, with the United States and the European Union in chief, it has already been clarified that they will not be recognized.

“Hello, Venezuela. December 6 is coming, go for it, go vote. This is a message from me and my little dog to the Venezuelan people. We are with you brothers and sisters, We are with you”.

This isn’t the first time Waters has expressed support for Maduro. In 2019, he called, also via his social networks, to participate in a march to protest against the international position led by the United States against the Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela.

Pink Floyd founder called “Stop Trump’s coup in Venezuela”, and ordered to concentrate in front of the North American Diplomatic Mission to the United Nations.

On his official Twitter account, the musician published the poster of the call, and accompanied it with a text as short as it is direct. “It’s for today: stop this new US madness, leave the Venezuelan people alone,” Waters wrote.

And he broadened his point of view, with a phrase: “They have a real democracy, stop the attempt to destroy a country just so that the 1% (the rich) can get their oil.”

In addition, an active protagonist of the networks, Rogers promoted the hashtags #US HANDS OFF #VENEZUELA! (US Hands off Venezuela) and #STOPTRUMPSCOUPINVENEZUELA (Stop Trump’s coup against Venezuela).

Waters’ preaching against Trump is well known, as is his continued adherence to various issues related to international politics. From the Palestinian cause to the identification of the remains of Argentinian soldiers killed in the Malvinas Islands; from the most resounding rejection of the idea of ​​building a wall along the border between Mexico and the United States to the reunion of a mother with her two children kidnapped by their father, a member of the Islamic State, during many years Waters Years displays an activism that coexists with his artistic activity.

Elections in Venezuela

Despite calls to postpone the meeting with the ballot box and to give more room to a possible dialogue between the government and the opposition to get Venezuela out of the serious crisis in all the areas in which it is mired, President Nicolás Maduro has remained firm in his defense of the December 6 date, relying on the fact that the Constitution establishes it and to not respect it would be to violate it.

The EU’s dialogue efforts and the way opened to a possible solution to the crisis raised in September by the opposition and former presidential candidate Henrique Capriles, who played a leading role in a resounding departure from the hard core of the opposition by not rejecting the celebration, have served no purpose. elections but bet on a postponement that would allow them to be held with guarantees and in the presence of international observers.

So things, the more than 20.7 million registered Venezuelans this time they have to choose the 277 members that the new National Assembly will have, of which 52% will be elected by proportional representation (144 deputies) and 48% (133 deputies) by nominal system. In all, there are more than 14,000 candidatures from more than a hundred parties.

These parties will not include the main opposition parties grouped around the current president of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, whom a large part of the international community recognizes as the legitimate president of the country since in January 2019 he proclaimed himself president in charge of Venezuela and the objective will be to put an end to the “usurpation” of the presidency by Maduro.

With information from DPA.


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