Rogerio Carvalho, Senator PT: “We are concerned for Lula’s safety” | Left-wing leader analyzes ex-president’s tour of northeastern Brazil


From Brasilia

Could Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva be the victim of an attack? Along with the coup threats voiced by Jair Bolsonaro and the participation of the heads of the armed forces in an intimidating military parade, government allies have pledged, some brandishing weapons, to attack adversaries and invade Congress . It is political violence emanating from the state.

The Workers’ Party (PT) did not let these “worrying” signs pass, revealed Senator Rogerio Carvalho, in dialogue with PageI12.

– Did you talk about the risk of an attack with the former president?

– Yes, we are talking about it, because today everyone is concerned by this question.

-Have they reinforced their guard?

– I believe that the president (Lula) is already traveling with a more effective security system, it is larger than the one he had before Bolsonaro came to power. It does not mean that their vulnerability has been completely eliminated, it is obvious that something can happen, they are not free to be attacked (..) but I believe it will not happen. We know there are Bolsonaro supporters who have publicly threatened to kill Lula, you never know what might happen.

PT lawmaker Carvalho reviewed “the history of violence that marked Bolsonaro’s trajectory” in which he mentioned that in 2018 a proselytizing caravan in which Lula was traveling was shot dead by unidentified criminals till today.

The attack occurred in the state of Paraná where the then-candidate Bolsonaro showed up with his pistol-shaped fingers and even threatened to send his elements to an act of Lula, which would ultimately be excluded from elections due to pressure from management. of the Army and the maneuvers of Bolsonarist judge Sergio Moro.

Guardians of the system

Once installed at the Planalto Palace in January 2019, the retired captain continued his strategy of dynamiting democracy through measures such as authorizing the sale of rifles, ammunition and equipment to manufacture arms with the thinly veiled intention of equipping the official “militias”.

According to Carvalho, these paramilitary groups are framed behind the Bolsonarista project, of which they are beneficiaries, and they will work for their sustainability in power, even generating “agitation” if Lula wins in the 2022 elections. The “militiamen”, who they are essentially active and retired police officers, they engage in armed politics while observing a canine loyalty to their employer. They are the guardians of the system.

Independence day

This Sunday Ricardo Nascimento de Mello Araújo, former leader of an elite group of the São Paulo military police, summoned his comrades to participate on September 7 in an act against “communism”. The police call came shortly after the Federal Supreme Court ordered a search of the homes of the event’s organizers and financiers (including Antonio Galvan, head of the Soybean Producers Association), accused of threaten democracy.

Bolsonaro announced that on September 7, Independence Day, he will participate in a military parade (yet another) followed by a rally in Brasilia before heading to São Paulo to speak at the rally where he will surely renew his calls for destabilization.

He is thus uniting his shock groups at the same time as he is organizing a campaign event for next year’s elections.

It is a model of attack on institutions taken from the plan implemented by Donald Trump. “Bolsonaro’s son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, was present at the events organized in Washington which called for the occupation of the Capitol in January of this year,” Carvalho reports.

Regarding these elections in October next year, the latest poll, released last Tuesday, placed Lula with 40 percent of the voting intentions against Bolsonaro’s 24 in the first round, and in the event of a second round, the petista would be the winner. by obtaining 51 by wind against 32 of his rival. Other surveys indicate that the ex-governor could be elected without having to contest a poll. This hypothesis ignites the captain-president and explains why he warned that he could suspend the elections under any pretext.

Over the weekend, Lula toured the northeast where several meetings were held with leaders of other parties as part of his strategy to consolidate a broad alliance by 2022, Carvalho said.

Arriving in the city of San Luis, in the province of Maranhão, Lula said that Brazil is going through a period characterized by a “democratic anomaly” with the ruling party hordes “scaring the people” although he said that ‘they would not “tolerate a coup.”

“I was with Lula on Friday, he was very calm in assuming the responsibilities that await us to rebuild Brazil from a social and economic point of view, aware of the need to recover the rights that have been taken away from the poorest populations. . With Bolsonaro a large part of the population lost its food security. Lula wants to reintegrate Brazil on the international scene, in Latin America where we had important relations, and this president with his phase-cist attitude isolated us “, Carvalho said.

National Security Act

National senator of the state of Sergipe, also in the northeast, Cavalho was the rapporteur of the law for the defense of the democratic rule of law which repealed the law on national security. “To repeal the law on national security was to end with a legacy left by the dictatorship, it was a law of 1983 from General Joao Baptista Figueiredo. It was one of the last remnants of the national security doctrine that inspired the 1964 coup. It was necessary to repeal it because this government took it off the beaten track to persecute it. opposition, criminalize demonstrations and harass the press, ”he said.

-Reporters Without Borders accuses Bolsonaro of being a “predator” of freedom of expression.

– Bolsonaro permanently undermines press freedom, he persecutes the Brazilian press and builds a communication system called “Cabinet of Hate” which is very powerful. He uses it to deceive the masses by filming fake news, using the institutional apparatus,

If the new law for the defense of democracy was already in force (it has not yet been enacted), Bolsonaro would have already committed several crimes for attacking institutions, violating democracy or attacking next year’s elections. with false complaints about the risk of fraud. The same could be said of Defense Minister Walter Souza Braga Netto, for threatening lawmakers to vote for an end to electronic ballot boxes under the pretext of fraud or for engaging in political espionage.

_-Did General Braga Netto spy on you?

It’s true, he sent a soldier, a colonel who was his partner at the Agujas Negras Academy, to collect information about me in Sergipe. It was a very awkward attitude, they went to look for people who knew me to find out about my past, when I found out what was happening I denounced that I was under the surveillance of the Brazilian army.

“Bolsonaro supported the coup plotters in Bolivia”

Senator Carvalho, from zero to ten, what is the probability that Bolsonaro supported the coup against Evo Morales in 2019?

-From zero to ten, the chance is ten, Bolsonaro fully supports any far-right government like the one that emerged after the coup, or any non-democratic government, all of Bolsonaro’s alliances in the world are with undemocratic governments or undemocratic forces. A few days ago, he met the representative of the German Nazi Party, the granddaughter of Hitler’s finance minister, to get an idea of ​​what Bolsonaro means internationally.

– Is Brazil destabilizing the region, to what do you attribute the visits of the head of the CIA and the national security adviser of Joe Biden?

– We know how the CIA operates in the world, we know that it was at the origin of the 1964 coup d’état in Brazil and other coups d’état as in Argentina. We also know that the CIA acted in Bolivia. The presence of the representative of the CIA, William Burns, last July worries us a lot because it means that he came to seek an alliance. What matters to the United States is to have the support of servile governments and Bolsonaro behaves like a servile towards Washington, he handed over sovereignty to the United States, he bowed to the American flag, disrespecting our nation.

During the conversation with this newspaper, Carvalho affirms that he is interested in investigating in depth the possible complicity of Brasilia with the coup d’etat from which the de facto government of Jeanine Añez emerged two years ago.

President Luis Arce denounced that a new coup was being prepared, with the complicity, among others, of Luis Fernando Camacho, of fluid relations with Bolsonarism.

Alias ​​the “Bolivian Bolsonaro”, Camacho chairs the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, one of the border departments with Brazil. The binational limit of 3,400 kilometers is used by traffickers and smugglers. Weapons are also circulating in this region described as very “porous” and possible Brazilian support for the seditious movement of 2019 would have passed.

Exactly 50 years ago across this region, the Brazilian dictatorship sent arms and supplies to General Hugo Banzer Suárez to depose President Juan José Torres (years later assassinated by the Condor Plan in Buenos Aires).

Last Saturday, the American Boeing C-17 Globemaster plane arrived in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, carrying helicopters and soldiers.

The Brazilian Air Force has indicated that in this region, neighboring Bolivia, joint exercises will be organized with the Americans for two weeks.


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