Role in the arrival of the kings of Spain in Argentina


The arrival of the Spanish King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia generated a particular incident which, without a doubt, can be considered as a real piece of paper: after landing at Aeroparque at 9 am, they had to wait almost an hour inside the plane, failing to find the corresponding staircase. for the descent.

According to several transcendents, the appropriate scale was stored in a shed accessible only with a fingerprint system.

"The King's plane hired Intercargo.Intercargo failed and missed the size of the stairs.They had to search urgently for the Tango 04 staircase.And this did not happen. not to do with us, how the king of Spain goes to bed, but that's the responsibility of Intercargo, "official sources said.

After the incident, the kings were received by Chancellor Jorge Faurie and ambbadadors Ramón Puerta and Javier Sandomingo, and then transferred to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Felipe and Letizia will participate in various activities with President Mauricio Macri and will inaugurate the VIIIth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) in the city of Córdoba.


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