Rosendo Fraga: "The market needs an agreement signed by Macri and Fernández"


Rosendo Fraga: "The market needs an agreement signed by Macri and Alberto"


Rosendo Fraga He is part of political badysts who have long run the risk of campaigning on the basis of an enemy and encouraging confrontation. In his own words: "Many of us have raised, pay attention to the polarization, to the crack.The dialogue that was generated between
Mauricio Macri and
Alberto Fernandez we had to think about it last week, "he said at the table
New therapies, of
LN +.

"We must avoid the messy transition
Alfonsin-Menem"Fraga said as fundamental, the badyst argues that the model of transition to imitate is the model
Cardoso-Lula, from 2012 in Brazil.

"When the polls announced that Lula, a left-wing union leader, was going to win, the markets panicked, capital flight, falling bonds, everything. [Fernando Henrique] President Cardoso, who was virtually powerless, calls him to Lula and suggests he sign a declaration that he will pursue central policies on economic stability and honor his external commitments, "explains Rosendo Fraga. written, rather bulky, making it clear.

But Cardoso also decides that his candidate, José Serra, signs the same document. "The two candidates signed a written document pledging to continue the policy of stability and payment of external debt, and thus put an end to the crisis," Fraga said. It would be, according to him, the model.

"Cardoso did this for the interests of Brazil, his candidate was not in agreement," he says. "The country needs a similar agreement because the situation is the same, in which case it is essential that both candidates ratify the payment of the debt."



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