Rossi pointed to Pichetto for his support of Guaidó: "Are they asking you so much, dear Miguel?"


The Santa Fe remembered the day Hugo Chavez died and they fired him together Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ricardo Pristupluk

In the midst of shock and uncertainty

for the situation in Venezuela

, who lives today a key day, the MP

Agustín Rossi

he pointed the senator

Miguel Pichetto

and asked: "Conversion requires testimonials, but … do you ask so much, dear Miguel?"

The trigger for the crossing was a tweet published by the president of the Justicialista bloc in which he expressed his support for the operation Libertad, organized by the opposition Juan Guaidó against the regime of Nicolás Maduro. "We have to put an end to Maduro's dictatorship," Pichetto said.

Together we waited to pbad in front of the coffin. Like everyone else, you were excited, maybe with wet eyes. It was in Caracas, on March 5, 2013, the funeral of Hugo Chavez. Conversion requires testimony, but … so much do they ask you, dear Miguel? Agustín Rossi (@RossiAgustinOk)
April 30, 2019

In addition, the rionegrino issued another message in support of Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López, in which he declared: "My solidarity with Venezuelans who are fighting for freedom and democracy in Venezuela".

Rossi reacted and shot a missive against Pichetto. In a tweet, Santa Fe recalled the day of the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and said: "Together we waited to pbad in front of the coffin and, like everyone else, you were excited, maybe wet-eyed . " And, spicy, he added: "Conversion requires testimony, but … so much they ask you, dear Miguel?"

In dialogue with La Repregunta, the LN + program, Pichetto today defined Maduro's tenure as "a bloody dictatorship that ends at the end of a cycle." And he said: "It is hard to imagine Venezuela in 2020 with Maduro in the government". For him, it is "unlikely" that freedom and democracy will be restored in the country if he remains in power.


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