Rugby World Cup: Controversy around a suspension …


In Japan seems a minor problem compared to Typhoon Hagibis ("Speed" in Tagalog, the language of the Philippines). This is the unpredictability with which the Rugby World Cup was organized although it seems otherwise. The the cancellation of matches, the imposition of results on the pulpit or the fact of leaving the tournament due to a devastating, frequent and predictable weather phenomenon should never have occurred. Because it was known: From August to October, it is the typhoon season in the Japanese archipelago. The first World Cup in a country that is not a powerhouse in the oval sport has already left a lineage hurt. The selections of Italy and France first. But we have to wait for Scotland this Sunday to know if the measure taken by World Rugby is harming him (the equivalent of FIFA in football). If your match with the home team is canceled, you will be automatically eliminated from the tournament and if you win, you can go to the quarter-finals.. The calendar seems to have ignored the severe weather problems affecting Japan in this part of the year. A nonsense that has not been taken into account.

The organization of the World Cup has published the information on its own official website, under the title: "Typhoon Hagibis: be careful". The rugby leaders based on the Japan Meteorological Agency, have even made recommendations"Stay inside, periodically check for typhoon updates and follow local authority advice, including evacuation orders, and make sure you have basic food." Take your travel documents and essential medications with you in case you need to travel in advance and tell your family and friends in your home country that you are safe. " It is the warning of a country in danger. In these predictable conditions, it was decided to play the tournament in the same way. As if a World Cup had been organized in the Caribbean during the hurricane months or in any other region of the world facing extreme events.

Italy were the most affected team, beyond which their odds of beating the All Blacks can be invoked and above without the double champion taking the bonus point. But sometimes he has a mathematical chance to qualify. The paradox is that he played a Cup limited to three games instead of the four established. He won two (against Namibia and Canada) and barely one (South Africa).

Your captain, The Argentine nationalized, Sergio Parisse, and his Irish coach Conor O Shea, have criticized the determination of World Rugby. The first said: "It's hard to know that we will not have the opportunity to play against one of the best teams. But if New Zealand needed four or five points against us, the match would not have been canceled. " The head coach described the moment the Izurra team lived: "I saw the reaction of the players after the training and it was horrible. " Everyone has been denied the dream of saying goodbye on the ground.

At 36, he is Very unlikely that Parisse again knows such an opportunity. That's why I was so disappointed: "It's ridiculous that there is no Plan B, because it is not news that there are typhoons in Japan. If you are organizing a World Cup, you should plan things like that. We have not been respected. You may think we would have lost anyway, but we deserved to be respected. "The same void will remain for the Italian hooker Leonardo Ghiraldini, who after a long injury, he will join the list of replacements for the first time in the Cup, which would have been his fourth consecutive World Cup.At 34 years, he is very difficult to have another equal chance.

World Rugby decreed a draw 0-0 and awarded two points to each selected. With this fictitious result, New Zealand and South Africa advanced to the quarterfinals, in that order. There was no postponement for the Italians and New Zealanders, nor for the other canceled match between England and France. With the equality without too much and the distribution of two points per team, the British team has slightly favored. He would avoid Wales (first potential of Group D and Six Nations tournament champion this year where he had already won) and would play with Australia for a weaker season.

The decisions of the organizers attract attention if they are in the context of the longest World Cup in the world. It started on September 20th and will end on November 2nd. It is played over 44 days. World Rugby posed logistical problems in changing places or dates affected by Hagibis. At the same time, he crushed the dissuasive measures of severe sanctions against violent gambling in order to protect the physical integrity of the rugbiers. QIt has been proven that cane is not the same for everyone. The leaders were contradictory: They proclaimed the body care but did not respect the mood of the players with their decisions. They then set a controversial precedent for the future.

The chief of operations of WR and Tournament Director Alan Gilpin apologizes in a statement: "It's a complex and very changeable situation. We have closely watched with the help of meteorological experts. As a result, I made the decision to cancel certain meetings to ensure the safety of everyone involved. This is the right thing and has the support of all interested parties, including the teams themselves. "It does not seem like that would have been the case, at least in the words of Parisse and O. Shea.

It is true that there is a regulation on the World Cup. But if the tournament lasts 44 days and there is no chance of playing two or 24 games, the WR should review what will be resolved. Scotland, rival of Japan at the time of the group stage and whose realization was challenged until the last moment by Hagibis, asked the most difficult questions. "We will not let Scotland be the collateral damage of a hasty decision, "said Mark Dodson, president of Rugby Union of that country.

The parent organization replied:It is disappointing that the Scottish Rugby Union makes these comments when we do our best to have the parties play and when there is a real and significant threat to public safety as it will be one of the most important and destructive typhoons that Japan has known since 1958. »

If the average annual typhoon is 26 years, while Japan suffers about three – according to verifiable statistics between 1951 and 2017 – How is it possible that the Cup is planned in the same way for this time? The organization, its sponsors and the revenues that exceeded those of the 2015 World Cup played in England are part of the answer.

Australian Brett Gosper, CEO of World Rugby, has curiously disabled his Twitter account for the World Cup. It was the same day that the WR had questioned the very poor performance of the referees in the tournament. From that moment on, we did not hear about him anymore. Media and little active, Agustín Pichot, vice president of the WR and leader of the Argentine rugby, delivered a speech on the Cup in a long interview with journalist Mariano Ryan in Japan: "We are very happy with this World Cup. The Japanese are in the smallest details and everything goes perfectly … Less typhoon"How did he.

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