Rules and myths about blood donation | Chronic


World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 around the world, on the occasion of the birth of Karl Landsteiner, pathologist and Austrian biologist, who discovered and typed blood groups. The dra Valeria El Haj, The Vittal Medical Director, (MN: 99291) details the keys to take into account when performing this gesture that can save many lives.

Although a lot of information is circulating about the most recommended ways of donating blood, there are always questions about the processes, so it is good to clarify them and thus have a more familiar picture.

Is it dangerous to give blood?

No. The donation is a secure process that takes place under the responsibility of a medical team. It's a selfless act that does not take more than half an hour.

Blood can be stored up to 42 days.

The basic conditions for donating blood

Be between 18 and 65 years old. Children under 18 can donate with the permission of their parents or guardians.

People over 65 must do so with medical clearance.

⚫ Enjoy good health.

⚫ weigh 50 kg or more.

It is important to have a breakfast without the consumption of dairy products and / or fat.

⚫ Have blood pressure values ​​within appropriate limits.

⚫ Do not have anemia.

Do not have a fever or have been sick in the last 7 days.

⚫ Have not had bad with casual partners in the last year.

⚫ Do not use illegal drugs.

⚫ Do not have acupuncture, tattoos and / or piercing during the last year.

You need to make sure of the date you made your last tattoo or piercing before attempting to donate blood. (Illustrative picture)

⚫ Do not have major surgeries in the last year.

If you are taking any medications or have undergone an invasive procedure, please consult the hemotherapy service.

You have to wait a year to donate if

⚫ Blood transfusions or derivatives.

⚫ Tattoos or other non-sterile exposures were performed.

He had work accidents with exposure to blood or secretions.

You must wait a year if you are detained in a prison or police facility. (Illustrative picture)

He was detained in a prison or police facility for more than 72 hours.

⚫ Remained in the malaria endemic area (malaria).

Your partner has had hepatitis B or C or HIV in the last year.

⚫ had bad with strangers or paid money for it.

Had bad with an increased risk of transfusion-transmitted infections:

– Sex partners of hemodialysis patients, hemophiliacs.

– Sexual couples of people with a positive test for HIV, hepatitis B or C, HTLV.

– People of both bades who have been the subject of rape.

You can not donate if

⚫ Uses intravenous or inhalation addictive drugs.

Consumers of marijuana or another drug can not donate blood.

Is a carrier of HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HTLV.

He is epileptic and follows a treatment.

⚫ Performs prostitution.

⚫ Possesses clinical evidence of infection with HIV, hepatitis B or C, HTLV, Chagas or brucellosis.

Period Period of pregnancy or badfeeding.

In addition, we must consider that

Organ The amount of blood given will be completely regenerated by the body in a short time, so that this act does not interfere with the daily activities of taxpayers.

There must be a minimum of two months between donation and donation.

⚫ Men can donate up to 5 times a year.

Women can donate up to 4 times a year. Indeed, iron deposits decrease with the menstrual period.


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