Russia: a cat beats a pack of dogs à la Jackie Chan


Faced with such a show of courage, cat they aptly nicknamed him “Jackie Chan”, being center stage as a big protagonist in the streets of a town in the Kama region, in Russia, where he was seen confronting seven huge dogs and coming out victorious.

In footage from a video recorded on March 30 by a security camera, the cat, running to hide under a car.

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Immediately after, a dog appears just after, looking for him, and six more of his congeners join in the task attracted by the presence of the feline.

Anyway, and when the feline was supposed to have the worst ending, the cat He attacked the dogs until he managed to chase them away and ridicule them.

Even at the moment when the cat He literally finds himself in the mouth of one of the dogs, fights without a quarter, and manages to escape to a nearby multicolored bench, from where he threatens the dogs with his meows.

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Russia: a brave cat defeated dogs.

Russia: a brave cat defeated dogs.

The feline, in addition to his bravery, had the collaboration of one of the inhabitants of the place, who alerted by the scandal that had been generated, began to scream and throw objects at the dogs, who finally ended up fleeing the places in herd. .

According to the local news portal, the cat has become a star of social networks of Russia.

Hundreds of network users have celebrated his courage and determination, in addition to comparing him to great martial arts figures like Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee.

Exaggeration aside, the cat saved his life and enjoyed his 15 minutes of social media fame.


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