Russia adds tension over nuclear weapons: warns it “reserves the right” to use them in the face of military aggression


An ICBM Yars RS-24 during the 2016 Victory Day Parade. (REUTERS / Grigory Dukor / file)
An ICBM Yars RS-24 during the 2016 Victory Day Parade. (REUTERS / Grigory Dukor / file)

The Russian military on Wednesday warned that it “reserves the right” to use nuclear weapons in case it has to respond to military aggression which “threatens” the existence of the Eurasian country.

“Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons only in response to the use of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies.”said the Chief of the General Staff, Valeri Guerasimov.

Gerasimov pointed out that, similarly, Moscow reserves this right “in the event of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons, when the very existence of the state is threatened ”, according to the Russian news agency Sputnik.

Finally, underlined that the conditions of use of these weapons are limited and regulated, after the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, approved in June 2020 the rules of government policy on nuclear deterrence, which establishes that it is defensive in nature.

Putin himself said on Wednesday at the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security that “unfortunately geopolitical turbulence still tends to increase, despite some positive signs ”.

Putin at the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security (Sputnik / Sergey Ilyin / Kremlin via REUTERS)
Putin at the 9th Moscow Conference on International Security (Sputnik / Sergey Ilyin / Kremlin via REUTERS)

“The erosion of international law also continues, and attempts to use force to promote self-interest and enhance personal security to the detriment of that of others continue.”, argued the Russian president.

Putin also showed his concern about “the continued increase in NATO military capabilities and infrastructure near Russia’s borders, and the fact that the Alliance refuses to consider in a constructive way the Russian proposals to reduce the tension ”.

“We hope that common sense and the desire to foster a constructive relationship with us will eventually prevail,” he said, while stressing that Moscow does not seek military superiority, although “it will never allow others to shift the balance to their advantage.”

On the other hand, he stressed that terrorism “Remains a particular threat” and described or as “Very worrying” regional conflicts, the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cross-border crime, Drug traffic and the cybercriminality.

“Russia never forgets that it is responsible for the security and prosperity of neighboring nations, with which they unite indissoluble historical, cultural and human ties, “he said, before assuring that Russia will try”continue to contribute to the de-escalation of regional conflicts, the promotion of peace and stability on the continent ”.

Finally, Putin stressed that the United Nations “It has been and continues to be the basis of the system of international relations” and added that the agency’s mission is “Avoid a new world war.”

“It is within the framework of the United Nations that the new rules of the game can be established; otherwise, we will be heading towards unpredictability and chaos, ”the Russian president said in his opening speech at the conference.

(With information from Europa Press)


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