Russia Announces Booster Vaccine Against Vari …


The developers of the empty Sputnik V announced this Thursday that they will offer other manufacturers of vaccines against the coronavirus “a booster shot, adjusted to work against the Delta variant“, first detected in India.

“#SputnikV will soon be offering a booster vaccine, adapted to work against the Delta variant of the coronavirus, first detected in India, to other vaccine manufacturers,” the official @sputnikvaccine account posted on Twitter.

Last Tuesday, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) reported that Sputnik V is “most effective against the Delta variant“, according to a study presented by the Centro Gamaleya, developer of the vaccine, for publication in an international and peer-reviewed journal.

The Delta variant is now associated with greater transmissibility, the development of more severe cases and an escape from the immune response generated by vaccines for mild cases of coronavirus, which has forced Argentina to rethink strategies for avoid their entry into the country.

Meanwhile, global vaccination schedules are also being redesigned these weeks to prevent further outbreaks of Covid-19 associated with the Delta variant.


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