Russia claims Sputnik V vaccine is 97.6% effective in two doses


A new study released on Monday reveals that The Sputnik V vaccine has been shown to be 97.6% effective, according to the analysis on the rate of coronavirus infection among vaccinated people in Russia who received the two doses of the inoculant.

The information disclosed by the Gamaleya Center was based on the effectiveness at its disposal. nearly four million Russians who were vaccinated in this country with the two doses of Sputnik V.

The report was known a few hours before the arrival in the country of an Aerolineas Argentinas flight from Moscow, with 800,000 doses of Sputnik V Component 1. The flight had to make a stopover in Rome due to excess baggage and will arrive in Ezeiza around 8.15pm.

According to published data, the efficacy comes from the 3.8 million Russian citizens who were vaccinated with both components for almost four months.

The Aerolineas Argentinas flight, which brings 800,000 doses of component 1 of Sputnik V, arrives in the country at night.  Photo: Telam / dpa

The Aerolineas Argentinas flight, which brings 800,000 doses of component 1 of Sputnik V, arrives in the country at night. Photo: Telam / dpa

The data was collected between December 5 of last year, when component 1 began to be applied, until the end of March, when it was supplemented with the second dose. It was also reported that the infection rate from day 35 from the date of the first injection received was only 0.027%.

The Russian Ministry of Health maintains a register of people who have been vaccinated, as well as citizens who have been infected with covid-19 as part of the state’s Unified Health Information System, as published by The report.

Meanwhile, the incidence among the unvaccinated adult population is 1.1% for a comparable period from day 35 after the launch of large-scale vaccination in Russia.

As announced, the efficacy data and calculations of the vaccine will be published next month in a specialist medical journal whose report has been peer-reviewed in Europe.

In 60 countries

The state health center reported that the vaccine Sputnik V is approved for use in 60 countries with a total population of 3 billion people. And it ranks second among coronavirus vaccines in the world in terms of the number of approvals issued by government regulators.

Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Center, said that “the actual effectiveness of the Sputnik V vaccine may be even greater than what the results of our analysis show because the data from the case recording system allows for a time lapse. between sample collection (actual date of illness) and diagnosis “.

For its part, The Lancet – one of the most prestigious media in world medicine – recently published a previous study which indicated that Sputnik V was 91.6% effective.

Now, as this new report reveals, its vaccine efficacy would be even higher: 97.6%, one of the highest rates in the world among vaccines used to mitigate the impact of the pandemic.



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