Russia comes to the aid of the Cuban dictatorship: it sent two cargo planes with 90 tons of humanitarian aid


The arrival of the Russian plane in Havana (Russian Embassy in Cuba / @EmRusCuba)
The arrival of the Russian plane in Havana (Russian Embassy in Cuba / @EmRusCuba)

Two cargo planes with around 90 tons of humanitarian aid donated by Russia to Cuba landed this Sunday at the airport in the capital, Havana, as confirmed by the Cuban authorities, who expressed their gratitude to Moscow.

Aircraft transport wheat flour, a million surgical masks, cans of meat and sunflower oil, said officials of the Russian Embassy in Cuba quoted by the Russian news agency Sputnik.

“I am grateful for the sending of humanitarian aid from the Government of the Russian Federation, a symbol of the excellent relations of friendship and solidarity that unite our brotherly countries.“declared the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez, via your account on the social network Twitter.

Likewise, the holder of the Cuban internal trade portfolio, Betsy Diaz Velázquez, thanked Moscow and stressed that the island is going through a complex situation of shortage due to the blockade imposed by the United States, according to the Cuban newspaper Granny. Did the same Gisela Beatriz García Rivera, Director Europe and Canada of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For his part, the Russian Ambassador to Cuba, Andrei Guskov, pointed out that aid “arrives at the island of freedom when it is in a complex situation, faced with the consequences of the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States, but also the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic ”.

Guskov added that the Russian Embassy in Havana is working in coordination with the Cuban authorities to ascertain drug needs and noted that Over the next few days, further shipments with these goods will be made from the Eurasian country.

Putin greets Díaz Canel during a meeting in the Kremlin (AFP)
Putin greets Díaz Canel during a meeting in the Kremlin (AFP)

Cuba beat its record number of covid-19 cases for the third consecutive day with 8,854 new infections, in a day when the number of deaths from the disease rose to 80.

The Caribbean country is going through the third and worst pandemic epidemic since its onset in March 2020, accumulating a total of more than 332,000 infections and 2,351 deaths from the coronavirus.

The island was the scene in addition to anti-government protests in recent days due to the economic and health crisis.

(With information from Europa Press Yes EFE)


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