Russia defends its role in WWII | Vladimir Putin promulgated a law to this effect


The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, promulgated a law which prohibits denying “the decisive role” of the Soviet Union during World War II. The name highlights the role “of the Soviet people in the crushing of Nazi Germany and the USSR’s humanitarian mission in the liberation of European countries”, during and after the fall of the Axis.

The legislation was published on the official website of the Russian government and it prohibits the public equating the objectives, decisions and actions of the government, military command and soldiers of the time with those of Nazi Germany and European Axis countries.

The measurement also indicates disarticulate the discourse which, in certain sectors, tends to assimilate the plan of domination and extermination launched by Adolf Hitler to the communist regime of Joseph Stalin.

At the same time, in the law promoted by Putin an anti-extremism amendment has been included which praises the leaders who carried out the Holocaust and forbids the public display of images and speeches of leaders of organizations and movements declared “criminal” by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, that I judge the crimes of it hurts humanity during the war.

According to the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses, the production or dissemination of “extremist” material is punishable by fines of up to 3,000 rubles (approximately $ 40) or up to 15 days of arrest.

The same offense committed by legal persons is punishable by fine between 100 thousand and 1 million rubles (approximately $ 1,370 and $ 13,700, respectively) or the work stoppage of up to 90 days.


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