Russia denounces Joe Bi’s “very aggressive rhetoric” …


The request of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to immediately and unconditionally release the leader of the Russian opposition, Alexéi Navalni, was seen as “aggressive and not constructive” in the Kremlin, according to the spokesperson for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov (Photo).

“Unfortunately, it is very aggressive and not very constructive rhetoric“Peskov told reporters.

In statements to the State Department, Biden on Thursday adopted a stronger tone against Russia than that used by his predecessor, the Republican. Donald trump.

Biden did not announce any concrete action against Moscow, but issued numerous warnings and cited the case of Navalni’s poisoning and imprisonment. The US president said the top Kremlin critic, sent to jail this week for two years and eight months, “should be released immediately and unconditionally.”

Biden also claimed he broadcast to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Poutine, that “the time when the United States surrendered to aggressive Russian actions interfering in the“ American elections ”,“ cyber attacks and the poisoning of people ”is over.

El portavoz del Kremlin señaló al respecto que Rusia no responderá a ese tipo de declaraciones, pero pese a todas las diferencias en las relaciones con EE. UU., Entrusted “in the voluntad de los estadounidenses de continuar el diálogo” in asuntos de benefician to both parties.

“We assume that despite the enormous amount of divergence and different approaches on key issues, we have a basis for understanding,” Peskov said.

Russian justice sent Navalni to prison on Tuesday after executing a 2014 suspended sentence in a trial deemed arbitrary by the European Court of Human Rights and widely criticized by several Western countries.

During the Trump administration, the US president had repeatedly praised the Russian leader, to the point of confronting his own intelligence services, which accused Putin of interfering in the American country’s elections, a problem that the ‘former president had bluntly dismissed.



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