Russia differs from AstraZeneca and guarantees Sputnik V does not register thrombosis cases


Amid the controversy surrounding the possible link between AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines with cases of thrombosis, Russia assured Wednesday that the Sputnik V He did not record such episodes in people who received their doses to be immune to the coronavirus.

It was the Gamaleya Center which, in a statement, said that “ a comprehensive analysis of adverse events in clinical trials and during mass vaccinations with the Sputnik V vaccine has shown that there have been no cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) “.

The text further states that “all vaccines based on adenoviral vector platforms are different and not directly comparable”.

The report states that the AstraZeneca vaccine “uses a chimpanzee adenovirus to deliver the antigen, which consists of the S protein combined with the leader sequence of tissue-type plasminogen activator”, while that of Johnson & Johnson “uses the adenovirus serotype. -Length Protein S “.

Unlike the two, details of the statement, Sputnik V “is a two-component vaccine in which adenovirus serotypes 5 and 26 are used. A tissue-type plasminogen activator fragment is not used and the antigen insert is a full-length, unmodified S protein “.

They assure Gamaleya that “there is no reason or justification to extrapolate the safety data from a vaccine to the safety data of other vaccines. “

They also argue that “The quality and safety” of Sputnik V are “assured because, unlike other vaccines, it uses a 4-step purification technology which includes two chromatography steps and two tangential flow filtration steps. “

The AstraZeneca vaccine.  Photo: DPA

The AstraZeneca vaccine. Photo: DPA

The document concludes that “a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on April 9, 2021, analyzes that the cause of thrombosis in some patients vaccinated with other vaccines could be insufficient purification leading to the appearance of significant amounts of free DNA. Insufficient purification or the use of very high doses of target DNA / RNA may result in an unwanted interaction of a patient’s antibodies which activate thrombocytes with elements of the vaccine itself and / or free DNA / RNA. , which can form a complex with the factor. PF4 “.

Russia has moved away from AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines just as various studies link them to cases of thrombosis.

These are not simple thromboses, like phlebitis, but very rare conditions. First of all, because of its location: affect the veins of the brain and to a lesser extent the abdomen, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) said on April 7 of AstraZeneca.

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not applied in Argentina.  Photo: DPA

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not applied in Argentina. Photo: DPA

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine also showed “cerebral venous sinus thrombosis,” US health officials, the FDA and the CDC said on Tuesday.

These conditions occur with a drop in the level of blood platelets, so that at the same time as the blood clots the patient may suffer from bleeding.


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