Russia establishes “working contacts” with Taliban after taking Kabul


Members of the Taliban political representation Abdul Latif Mansoor (R), Shahabuddin Delawar (C) and Suhail Shaheen arrive for a press conference in Moscow, Russia
Members of the Taliban political representation Abdul Latif Mansoor (R), Shahabuddin Delawar (C) and Suhail Shaheen arrive for a press conference in Moscow, Russia

Russia established “working contacts” with representatives of the Taliban after the insurgents conquered the capital of Afghanistan, Kabul, and most of the country.

According to a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Eurasian country’s embassy in Kabul “continues to function normally” and the “contacts” in question were made to “ensure the security of the Russian foreign service”.

The Russian Foreign Ministry added that it was monitoring the situation in Afghanistan “closely” and that, according to information at its disposal, the situation in Kabul and throughout the country “is stabilizing,” the news agency reports. Russian. Sputnik.

“The Taliban have started to restore law and order, have confirmed security guarantees for civilians and foreign diplomatic missions,” said the Foreign Ministry, which also called on all parties to the conflict to “refrain” violence and help resolve the situation “peacefully”.

The insurgents managed to take over the country in less than two weeks and, in their final assault on Kabul, struggled to send messages against the violence. So when they officially confirmed entry into the Afghan capital, they said they were doing so to ensure security and avoid a power vacuum.

Taliban fighters stand guard at a border post in Farah, Afghanistan
Taliban fighters stand guard at a border post in Farah, Afghanistan

The group has also offered in recent days theoretical security guarantees for those who could be the victims, proposing an amnesty for those who could have helped the executive of Ashraf Ghani – who left the country – or countries with troops deployed in Afghanistan. Likewise, he assured that he would not attack diplomatic targets, in the midst of the rout of official delegations.

This Monday, Moscow reported that Its ambassador to Afghanistan will meet with the Taliban in Kabul on Tuesday and will decide whether or not to recognize the new government based on its conduct..

Ambassador Dmitry Zhirnov told Russian media from Kabul that the Taliban have already established “law and order”, have even kept girls’ schools open and are monitoring the Russian embassy.

“Our ambassador is in contact with the Taliban leaders, tomorrow he will meet the Taliban security coordinator”Foreign Ministry official Zamir Kabulov said Monday in an interview with Ekho Moskvy radio station. He said talks between Ambassador Zhirnov and the Taliban would focus on how the group plans to ensure the security of the Russian embassy in the Afghan capital.

When the Taliban completed their military takeover of Afghanistan on Sunday, Kabulov said Russia had no plans to evacuate his embassy, ​​although on Monday he said “part” of his staff would be “evacuated”.

Kabulov also said that Moscow would decide on recognition of the new Taliban government on the basis of “the conduct of the new authorities”. “We will take a close look at the responsibility with which they rule the country in the near future. And based on the results, the Russian leadership will draw the necessary conclusionsKabulov said.

(With information from Europa Press)


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