Russia has declared that the Trump-Huawei fight can "destroy" the technological world


The struggle of the government of Donald Trump against the Chinese company Huawei "justifies" Russian decision to build a "sovereign Internet" to protect its local network against external threats, according to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Maxim Akimov.

"What the United States is doing … destroys this world," Akimov said in a statement. International Economic Forum St. Petersburg. The manager oversees the infrastructure in telecommunications, transport and the digital economy in Russia. "The shrapnel will hurt everyone," he warned.

Huawei's attack showed that "hostile and unilateral actions of countries can have fatal consequences," Akimov said. The sovereign Internet seeks to "prevent chaos" if the Russian network does not have access to foreigners and is not an attempt to isolate the country from the outside world, he said.

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Trump has blacklisted Huawei, interrupting the delivery of US components that China's largest technology company needs to manufacture its smartphones and networking equipment. The US Administration It is also putting pressure on allies such as France and the UK to exclude Huawei from its 5G networks after declaring that the company was threatening national security because of the fact that the company was in danger. concerns about alleged espionage.

On the other hand, the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Poutineand the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, last week oversaw the signing of an agreement between Huawei and Russia's largest mobile operator, Mobile TeleSystems, to create 5G pilot areas in Russia.

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Chinese opportunity. While the United States regards China as a security risk, Russia considers that "it is not a threat but a great opportunity", " Akimov said Huawei will participate in Russia's 5G communications network, which can cost 500,000 million rubles ($ 7,700 million) and will take two years to build, he said. to be shared by the four major mobile providers in Russia and not be controlled by a single company, said the manager.

The Russian law on "the sovereign internet" that came into effect last month has been strongly criticized, especially by loyal parliamentarians, who warned of an attempt to imitate Chinese "big firewall" and the restriction of access to information. Critics have accused the Kremlin of trying to censor online opposition activism, in a context where public confidence in Putin is declining as economic woes grow in the country.



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