Russia: he wanted to amuse his companions by swallowing a snake and died


The incident took place in the Astrakhan region, Russia. According to specialists, the reptile he was joking with was a poisonous viper.

a a man in russia wanted to play a joke to amuse his work friends and it was quite expensive. While attempting to swallow a snake, in an attempt to entertain his companions, the animal bit him on the tongue and later died, local Russian media reported.

In the video, which was filmed during agricultural work in the Astrakhan region of southern Russia, a man is seen trying to impress other workers, grab a snake and put the reptile’s head in its mouth.

The show lasted a few seconds, but was abruptly interrupted by the protagonist himself, claiming he had been bitten.

Following the incident, the man had to be hospitalized. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, he died of angioedema. Experts have established that the reptile he was joking with was a viper, a poisonous snake subspecies.


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