Russia is also developing domestic anticovid nasal spray, MIR-19


After having patented it and tested it on 50 volunteers, we can say that Russia is also in the process of having its own nasal spray against the coronavirus.
The Russian Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency (FMBA) developed the MIR-19 – the abbreviation of “Small RNA interference“, a nasal spray which, like its Israeli competition in the market, applies in the nasal cavity to fight against various viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.
the MIR-19 This is not another vaccine, but a treatment that could be applied even in patients already infected.
The FMBA reported that the MIR-19 it was developed on the basis of micro-RNA.

MIR-19, in detail

Micro-RNAs are ribonucleic acids that can “go out” virus ribonucleic acids, since they attack them and prevent them from encoding proteins and, therefore, they will not be able to multiply.
To achieve this, researchers had to find specific microRNAs that react to parts of the RNA in the genome of the SARS-CoV-2. And it was not an easy task, nor a completely solved task. Until today, the FMBA could identify around 2,500 human microRNAs. But in this, they are not alone: laboratories around the world they are constantly looking for new ones.
“It’s safe for humans, does not affect the human genome or immunity but at the same time, it is very effective in countering the replication of the virus and preventing the most severe forms of coronavirus infection, ”FMBA director Veronika Skvortsova told the Soviet press.
The FMBA presented the details of the new treatment in the European magazine Allergy.

Anticovid-19 nasal spray

The Israeli, British, Swiss, Chinese and even Argentinian scientific community is already working with the idea of ​​developing nasal spray to stop the action of covid19. however, none are exclusive or specific for combating covid-19.
Micro-RNA therapy is still little studied and in the world three or four treatments who rely on them; none have been proven reliably effective in respiratory diseases.
“The micro-RNA they are very capricious and special molecules. There are a large number of special cells of the immune system that are found in the respiratory tract –mucous– that also make it more difficult for the medicine to access cellsExplained Ilyá Yasni, head of scientific research at the pharmaceutical venture capital fund Inbio Ventures.
As a treatment, “it is a very interesting method because it is not traumatic at all, but these barriers that the drug finds in the same respiratory tract make it ineffective when the infection is in the acute phase”, clarified Yasni.
In fact, what is already patented is the molecule used in phase 1 clinical trials with hamsters Yes volunteers, but testing is still ongoing.
The Soviet publication Roscosmos asked for its opinion Konstantin Severinov, professor at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Rutgers University (USA). After studying the article by Allergy, Severnivov and considers that the allegations concerning the existence of treatment are premature.
»(…) The product has been tested – remarkably well – on Syrian hamsters. The hamsters were infected with the coronavirus and developed a slight cough Therefore. It was then shown that if a hamster receives some of the spray that contains this molecule for you to breathe, the degree of cough decreases. That’s all there is.
Severinov estimates that the distance remaining between the current phase and treatment for humans it is “like arriving on the moon”. “At the moment, we have one of these so-called candidate molecules [es lo que ha patentado la FMBA]. Hundreds of these molecules are under development in various labs around the world, I’m sure. Only a small handful pass clinical trials, let alone prove to be a cure. So far, this particular molecule has only been used in hamsters ”.

Russia does not stop

However, Russia does not stop. the spray MIR-19 has already entered phase II clinical trials and applies to human patients with coronavirus. There will be news.
Skolkovo is the Russian molecular biologist consulted by 7 biotech companies and the Russian government itself, so his word is more than heard. Maybe the choice of name “Me” is not the most promising for a treatment still under study. As you all know, this is what the first Russian space station was called, but it could only stay in space for 15 years, then the Russians themselves shot it down in the ocean. Peaceful.
With “Sputnikthey did better, because there were four satellites that had this name. The first revolved around the Earth in 1957; the last, without flying, is a vaccine which ended up occupying the first places in the world in terms of effectiveness against the coronavirus. In any case, we will have to wait.

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