Russia: one month before the elections, the EU called for the release of the Navalny opposition, who called on the parties facing Putin to vote


Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (Photo: REUTERS)
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny (Photo: REUTERS)

The leader of the Russian opposition, Alexei Navalny, who is serving two and a half years in prison, today called on Russians to vote for candidates who challenge Vladimir Putin’s party, United Russia, one month before the legislative elections.

“To remain in all the constituencies (225) during the Duma elections of September 19, they declared extremist in the middle of the country, ”he wrote on Instagram.

Navalny was referring to the Russian court’s decision to declare organizations such as the Extremist Anti-Corruption Fund, which prevents it from presenting independent candidates for replacement.

In order to prevent the victory of United Russia, the opponent invited to join the campaign “Voto Inteligente», Imagined by him and which consists in supporting the candidate who has the best chance of beating the party in power, whether liberal, communist or nationalist.

The authorities consider that this campaign, which led to the overthrow of the ruling party of several regional parliamentary assemblies, is “An instrument of foreign interference in Russian elections.”

They are afraid of smart voting. We tested it in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities in Siberia. It works. People hate United Russia, ”he said.

Law enforcement officers clash with participants at a rally in support of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Moscow (Photo: REUTERS)
Law enforcement officers clash with participants at a rally in support of jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Moscow (Photo: REUTERS)

The opponent, who had already deprived himself in 2012 of challenging the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Poutine, in the presidential elections, assured that the pro-government candidates will not receive more 35% voices.

Those who are against will get 65-75% of the total vote. But without the smart vote, that 75% will be lost among the various opposition candidates.. And United Russia will reach first place and win, ”he said.

He admitted that, however, due to the obstacles for the file of independent candidates, there will be few genuine opponents who will gain access to the Duma. “At least, we will seat those for whom we have voted in the Duma armchairs instead of those appointed by the Kremlin“he claimed.

Navalny, against which the Russian authorities have opened another criminal case that could lead to an additional three years in prison, called for revenge on United Russia for corruption, raising the retirement age, passing hundreds of absurd laws, raising prices and destroying the economy.

Wednesday the authorities also declared the Golos organization extremist (vote), which ensures the rights of voters and sends independent observers to polling stations.

Last week, two Russian opponents were sentenced to more than ten years in prison for suspected drug trafficking, the longest sentence handed down against an activist in recent years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin during a videoconference in Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin during a videoconference in Moscow

The Russian opposition accused the Kremlin of launching a campaign of “judicial persecution” and “political purge” before the parliamentary elections., which began a year ago with the poisoning of Navalny.

Several opposition politicians had to resign to present their candidatures under official pressure and others were unable to register due to administrative obstacles, to which must be added the closure of organizations responsible for ensuring the legal protection of activists and various independent media.

Besides, Navalny’s organizations and websites have been hit by at least one major leak in recent months, with local media reporting on Tuesday that the names, email addresses and workplaces of supporters they had started to appear on the Telegram messaging app and on the Russian “deep internet”.

According to surveys, the voting intention of the Kremlin, United Russia party is less than 30% nationally and is even lower in Moscow, where Navalni has many supporters.

(With information from EFE)

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