Russia plans to approve fifth vaccine: single dose against coronavirus and flu


MOSCOW.- Russian state-owned company Rostec plans to register your single dose coronavirus vaccine later this year or early 2022, the fifth coronavirus drug under development in the countryits general manager, Sergei Chemezov, said this Saturday.

“I hope that at the end of this year or the beginning of next year we can register” the vaccinator, Chémezov told Rossiya 1.

The vaccine simultaneously protect against coronavirus and influenza, according to Chemezov. “Instead of two vaccines, two injections, we will only have one”, noted, according to the TASS agency.

Russia already has four coronavirus vaccines: Sputnik V, developed by the Gamaleya Center in cooperation with the Russian Direct Investment Fund; Sputnik Light, the single-dose version of the first Russian vaccine, which seeks to offer a “temporary” solution for the countries most affected by the pandemic; EpiVacCorona and CoviVac, produced respectively by Vector and Chumakov laboratories.

However, the level of vaccination in Russia is low, with only 7.54% of the population having received at least one dose of vaccine, according to website.

The epidemic situation in the country remains stable and with a slight downward trend, Sputnik news agency said. In the last 24 hours, 8,828 new cases of Covid-19 and 399 deaths from this disease have been detected, with which the number of infected people has risen to 4,753,789 and the number of deaths has risen to 107,900.

It was only in Moscow that they were confirmed more than 2,500 cases in 24 hours, to which would be added nearly 600 others in the region of the same name. By number of infections Russia ranks fifth in the world, overtaken by the United States, India, Brazil and France, and closely followed by Turkey.


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