Russia prepares “big announcement” on the effectiveness of Sputnik V vaccine against covid-19


It is expected for this Wednesday, November 11 “A nice announcement” of Russian direct investment fund (RDIF) on the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V of Russia.

“We hope to publish provisional efficacy data from the Sputnik V clinical trials in November,” the RDIF executive director said on Monday. Kirill Dmitriev, in a press release.

“The first dose of the vaccine is more than 90% effective, and the Russian government hopes that the second dose will have an even higher percentage of effectiveness,” anticipates journalist Rosario Ayerdi in Stray animals.

“Tomorrow at 11:30 am, the Gamaleya Institute will announce that the Russian vaccine has an efficiency of over 90%. Same as Pfizer or a little more,” he added.

“Russian scientists claim 9% effectiveness of first doses”

Governor of Tierra del Fuego Gustavo Melella, who is in contact with the Russians to ratify being part of the development and distribution of the coronavirus vaccine, recently posted on his official Twitter account regarding the progress of the preparation.

“We have received confirmation from the National Research Institute Gamaleya, which is working on the SPUTNIK V vaccine, that tomorrow at 11:30 am Moscow time there will be a very important and positive announcement for the world regarding the vaccine’s progress.” , Melella anticipated.

In turn, the president admitted to feeling “full of hope” for the development of the vaccine with the Russian Fund for Direct Investment, which will benefit not only Fuegians but also the rest of humanity.

Rusia lucha by Sputnik V

Russia registered its first vaccine against the new coronavirus in August, developed by the Moscow research center Gamaleia with him Russian Ministry of Defense.

The first Russian vaccine against the coronavirus, Sputnik V, with reference to the Soviet satellite, was viewed with skepticism around the world, especially since he had not reached the final stage of rehearsals at the time of its announcement with great fanfare by the authorities.

However, much of the Russian political elite claim that she was vaccinated with Sputnik V, and Vladimir Putin cited the example of one of his daughters. And the government hopes to deploy it massively in the country before the end of the year.

Argentina wants 25 million doses

President Alberto Fernandez reported that the government would purchase between December and January 25 million doses of Sputnik V. It was explained that the Russian Federation, via its sovereign wealth fund, contacted the Argentine government a few weeks ago to “find out if we were interested in have a set number of doses of the vaccine which is at an advanced stage of phase 3 “.

We have very good expectations and very optimistic that we can have a vaccine this year. But until then, we must continue with preventive measures and appropriate care, ”warned the president who clarified that Argentina is dealing with different researchers, manufacturers and governments to have access to one of the vaccines currently in phase 3.

Vladimir Putin Alberto Fernandez Russia g_20201105
Alberto Fernández negotiated with Russian President Vladimir Putin the purchase of 25 million doses of Sputnik V

The Minister of Health, Ginés González García, clarified that “the trade agreement is not yet finalized, but there is no doubt that we will. He explained that all vaccines are two doses, i.e. if 25 million doses are acquired, they will cover 12.5 million people, in a country of 44 million inhabitants.

In the past days, the Deputy Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, traveled with Presidential Advisor Cecilia Nicolini to Moscow to “know the advances of the vaccine, its safety and its ability to generate immunity,” he said. According to Fernández, he has instructed his officials to take the necessary steps to ensure that he has the proper registration, like the rest of the vaccines we plan to acquire.

Argentina participates in voluntary trials of phase 3 of Chinese group’s vaccine project Sinopharm, and that of German laboratories BioNTech and american Pfizer. Also, next to Mexico, Argentina agreed that it would produce millions of doses of the vaccine that develops the Oxford University with the British pharmacist AstraZeneca for distribution in Latin America, in case it exceeds phase 3.


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