Russia registered first animal Covid vaccine as next victim feared


Nail new strain of coronavirus forced countries around the world to kill millions of farm animals in an attempt to stop the spread of the pandemic and slow its global advance. In this context, Russia registered the world’s first coronavirus vaccine for animalsagricultural watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor announced on Wednesday.

The new vaccine, called Carnivac-Cov, was developed by the Federal Center for Animal Health and showed no side effects in preliminary testing, which began last October.

Sputnik V creator says covid will affect pets and farm animals

“The coronavirus has not yet realized its potential pathogenic “, declared Alexander Guintsburg, director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, located in Moscow and responsible for the creation of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus Sputnik V.

In turn, the Russian vaccine official added: “The next step will be the infection between farm animals and pets. In a year, when we have protected humanity with good vaccines, the animals will be infected “, he predicted.

Creador Sputnik V
Russian scientist Alexander Guintsburg director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology.

For its part, the Federal Center for Animal Health said mass production of the vaccine could begin in April, with companies from Greece, Australia, Poland, Canada, the United States and Singapore expressing their support. interest in acquiring the compound.

Dogs, cats, arctic foxes, mink, foxes and other animals participated in the clinical trials of Carnivac-Cov, which began in October of last year. The results of the tests allow us to conclude that the vaccine is harmless to animals and has high immunogenic activity, with the development of antibodies against the coronavirus in 100% of cases, ”said the deputy director of the control body. , Konstantin Savenkov. .

Meanwhile, the United States and Finland are also trying to develop Covid-19 vaccines for animals amid global concerns over mutations in the virus. It was also found that the coronavirus infects monkeys and pets like cats and dogs.

“Since no one will get rid of their beloved pets, another wave of pandemic awaits usGuintsburg remarked.

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