Russia rejected US request to withdraw its army from Venezuela


The tensions between United States and Russia increased again after Moscow sent planes last weekend with about 100 soldiers and 35 tons of military equipment at the airport of Maiquetía, in Venezuela, about 40 minutes from Caracas.

Following this controversy last Tuesday, the Russian Chancellery declared the the sending of military to Venezuela was carried out "in the respect of the legality" and the constitution of this country.

Russian military aircraft in Venezuela
Two aircraft belonging to the Russian Air Force, an Antonov An-124 and a pbadenger plane Ilyushin Il-62, arrived at the presidential access ramp of Simón Bolívar International Airport.

In this sense, and after the United States have repeatedly called on Vladimir Putin to withdraw his army – Last was yesterday, when Vice President Mike Pence called his presence "unwanted provocation" – Russia warned Thursday that his army had arrived in recent days they will remain "as long as necessary" in the country.

"They deal with the implementation of agreements signed in the field of technical and military cooperation How long? As long as necessary. As much as necessary for the Government of VenezuelaForeign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zajárova told reporters.

The Russian government was loyal to Nicolás Maduro in key moments of Venezuelan politics. When the chief of the Juan Guaidó Local National Assembly he has proclaimed himself president of the country of South America and divided the waters internationally Among the countries that have recognized the two leaders, Russia has always been faithful to Nicolás Maduro.

Russia and China are the main creditors of Venezuela's external debt (estimated at 150,000 million dollars).

As a Venezuelan diplomat Moscow badured the Interfax agency that this presence "is in no way related to any military operationss ".

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• Countries recognizing Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, United States, France, Albania, Georgia, Denmark, Honduras and Panama. • The countries supporting @nicolasmaduro are: Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba, Russia, China, Turkey, Uruguay, Iran, Syria, Nicaragua.

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"I insist that it is only military and technical cooperation. The Russian military presence is in no way linked to any military operations", he said, for his part, the defense attaché of the Embbady of Venezuela in RussiaJosé Rafael Torrealba Pérez.

For its part, the US President, has more than once been in favor of a North American intervention in a country that they consider under an badured dictatorship this week at a meeting next to Fabiana Rosales, wife of Juan Guaidó, said: "This should never have happened in Venezuela – it's a tragedy that previous administrations have allowed this to happen, but I'm going to fix it."



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