Russia Says Sputnik V Generates Immunity To M …


The head of the Russian health agency Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said today that the vaccine Sputnik V guarantees a immunity for at least ten to twelve months against the coronavirus.

“We must be vaccinated now. We can already see today that immunity after vaccination is maintained for a long time, at least ten months and up to a year. And we see that the immunity is quite stable”, a- he said in a television interview. In addition, he pointed out that the vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute protects against all strains of covid-19.

Popova stressed that the epidemiological situation in Russia is stable, and at present no upward trend in people infected with the disease is detected. He also said the growth of cases around the world was “very intense”. “In several countries it’s just almost catastrophic, we see it,” the official said.

Ten days ago, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) reported that the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine was 97.6%. This could be verified after analyzing the data of 3.8 million vaccinated Russian citizens.

Alexander Guinsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute, said for his part that the actual efficacy of the vaccine may be higher than the figures advertised. He assured that the data of the registry system of infected people allow a delay between the date of the sample (that is to say the date of infection) and the diagnosis.

RDIF Director General Kiríl Dmítriyev, on the other hand, expressed that these figures “allow us to state with certainty that Sputnik V guarantees one of the best levels of protection” compared to other vacciness. “We see that 60 countries which have approved the use of Sputnik V on their territory have made the right decision in favor of one of the most effective coronavirus prevention tools,” he added. 63 countries have approved the use of Sputnik V. The total population of these countries exceeds 3.2 billion, or just under half of the world’s population.


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