Russian-American clashes over Venezuela at the UN – 26/01/2019


The United States and Russia fought Saturday at the start of the United Nations Security Council meeting to discuss the situation at Venezuela, after the Speaker of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, be proclaimed interim president. Moscow accused Washington of wanting to "orchestrate a coup d'etat" in this Caribbean country. The US Foreign Minister pointed out that Nicolás Maduro was leading an "illegitimate mafia state" and called on all countries to join the "forces of freedom" to support the opposition leader.

"Venezuela does not represent a threat to peace and security, which sometimes represents a threat to peace (…) it's Washington's attempt to orchestrate a coup d'etat "said Russian Ambbadador Vbadily Nebenzia at a special UN Security Council session on Venezuela.

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But the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, badured that Maduro runs "an illegitimate mafia state" and "that many Venezuelans are starving" because of "a socialist experiment that caused a collapse of the economy".

"The time has now come for each nation to choose their side, no more delays, no more matches, either you are with the forces of freedom, or you are in the Maduro League and its chaos," said Pompeo.

Greetings Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza (left), accompanied by Russian Ambbadador to the United Nations Vbadili Nebenzya, this Saturday at the Security Council meeting on Venezuela. / AFP

Greetings Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza (left), accompanied by Russian Ambbadador to the United Nations Vbadili Nebenzya, this Saturday at the Security Council meeting on Venezuela. / AFP

"The time has come to support the Venezuelan people, to recognize the new government headed by Acting President (Juan) Guaidó and put an end to this nightmare, there is no excuse," he said. insisted.

His words seem to agree with those of the then president, George W. Bush, who in 2001, after the attacks in New York and Washington, launched his "war on terror". And he proclaimed, in an appeal to the international community: "They are with us or they are with the enemy".

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Pompeo too He warned Maduro that he was to protect American diplomats in Venezuela a few hours before the expiry of the mandate that the Chavista leader had given them to leave the country.

"Allow me to be 100% clear: President (Donald) Trump and hope that our diplomats will continue to receive protections under the Vienna Convention," Pompeo said. "Do not put the United States to the test in their resolve to protect our people."

The The European Union has announced in turn that "will go into action" if elections are not organized "in the coming days", although some countries, like Greece, continue to support Maduro.

Russia and China blocked a draft US statement on Saturday of the Security Council on Venezuela who asked to grant "total support" to the National Assembly led by the Guaidó opposition.

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The two countries, permanent members of the Council and with the right of veto, made it clear that they continue to regard Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela and oppose the recognition of the Venezuelan leader by -United. and several countries.

Given the division within the UN Security Council, one does not expect a decision or an official statement, but to countries that will limit themselves to listening to a report from the UN Security Council. UN and express their positions on the crisis in Venezuela.

The United States declared Maduro Thursday "illegitimate" and recognized Guaidó as interim president. He also named Elliott Abrams, a diplomat questioned who participated in anti-communist campaigns in Central America, as an envoy to "restore democracy" in Venezuela.

Source: agencies


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