Russian cannibal convicted of murdering and feeding his friends | the Chronicle


Residents of the Russian city of Arkhangelsk found relief when they learned that justice sentenced a man to life imprisonment after killing, cooking and eating body parts of three of his friends.

The police report indicates that between March 2016 and the same month of 2017, Eduard Seleznev (51) killed three of his friends. After boiling them, he ate body parts, which earned him the nickname Cannibal of Arkhangelsk. Now a lower court has sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Seleznev’s lawyers appealed the court’s decision to a higher court, but without success: the Supreme Court of Russia confirmed the award and made it final.

How do you post Lad BibleSeleznev admitted that he stabbed his friends after he passed out after drinking so much alcohol, boiling their bodies and using the leftovers for food.

After selecting the parts he wanted to eat, he mutilated the bodies, aged 34, 43 and 49 respectively, he put them in sacks and threw them in a nearby river. This is where the police found them.

In court, Seleznev admitted to having moved into the apartment of one of the victims and as an alibi told parents “Who had gone to work in another city.” In addition, it was revealed that their poor eating habits they also included cats, dogs, birds and other animals that he hunted in the streets.

Trial and punishment

The Russian penal code does not define cannibalism as a crime and it is for this reason that the general principle of law has been used to accuse it. Seleznev was tried for murder and misuse of body parts of the victims.

During the trial he tried to pass himself off as a madman and claimed he did everything by following “A few voices” he heard in his head. But forensic psychiatrists said so “Sane and fully responsible for his actions.”

After reassessing the evidence, the Russian Supreme Court sealed his fate and Seleznev will have to serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole.


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