Russian justice has ordered Al …


A Russian court has ordered the 30-day imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navalni, arrested on Sunday when he arrived in Moscow from Germany., where he spent four months recovering from a serious poisoning for which he blamed the government of President Vladimir Putin. Many countries, including Germany, France or the United States, called for the “immediate release” of Navalni, while the United Nations Human Rights Office was “deeply concerned” for his arrest. The Russian government has rejected the chief’s accusation and denounced a disinformation campaign originating in the West.

“What these bandits in power fear most, you already know, is that people take to the streets. Don’t be afraid, take to the streets, not for me but for you, for your future“assured a provocative Naval on social media from the same room in the police station where the hearing was held. Navalni has lived through very intense hours since returning to Moscow a few months after being poisoned and on the verge of death. He was arrested on Sunday evening upon his arrival in Russia, he was transferred to a police station on Monday and in a flash trial, he received 30 days of preventive detention..

The European Union, the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom have called for the “immediate” release of the opposition leader. In parallel, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, called on Twitter to the Russian authorities respect “due process in accordance with the rule of law”. In addition, he reiterated his call to undertake “a full and impartial investigation into the poisoning” of Navalni.

For the Government of Russia, in exchange, Western countries seek to “distract from deep crisis” by criticizing Navalni’s arrest. “We see how they took advantage of the news of Navalni’s return to Russia. You can see the joy with which the comments are given, almost all the same,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a conference Press. “Joy, because it allows Western politicians to think that in this way they will be able to divert attention from the deep crisis in which the model of liberal development finds itself”added.

For his part, the president Vladimir Poutine added thatRussian justice failed to initiate criminal investigation into Navalni poisoning for lack of “relevant evidence”. The Russian prison service warned last Thursday that Navalni would be arrested on his return for violating the judicial review imposed on him as part of a Five-year suspended prison sentence for embezzlement. Since the end of December, it has also been the subject of a new fraud investigation into suspicion of spending nearly $ 5 million in personal donations.


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