Russian plane went to Venezuela to take tons of gold? | Chronic


The National Assembly of Velezuela, an opposition-controlled parliament, denounced the fact that a Russian plane without pbadengers landed at Simón Bolivar airport in Caracas, Venezuela, in order to take tons of gold from the Central Bank.

Replicated in your account Twitter the denunciation of the deputy of Carácas José Guerra: "We receive information from officials of the Central Bank of Venezuela: a plane arrived from Moscow, in which we intend to extract at least 20 tons of gold, we ask for details on what is happening. Calixto OrtegaIt belongs to the Venezuelan people. "

.@JoseAGuerra | "We have received information from BCV officials: a plane has arrived from Moscow, in which we expect to extract at least 20 tonnes of gold, and we ask BCV for details of what is happening, this is not the case. Is not the gold of Calixto Ortega, that is the Venezuelan people. " #AsambleaVE

– National Assembly (@AsambleaVE)
January 29, 2019

The vessel, a Boeing 777 / 200ER, registered as VP-BJG, arrived from the Vnkuvo airport, on the outskirts of Moscow, and would be at Maiquetia airport, outside Caracas, since last Monday. The plane would belong to the airline Nordwind Airlinesm.

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Guerra denounced through Twitter: "I want to point out that the Central Bank of Venezuela is allowed to carry out gold trading operations: sell, pledge or exchange currencies, but the country has the right to know what type of transaction should be badessed if it is appropriate for country."

I would like to point out that BCV is authorized to carry out operations with gold: to sell, to pledge or to trade. But the country has the right to know what kind of transaction it is about to badess if it suits the country.

– Jose Guerra (@JoseAGuerra)
January 29, 2019

While the Russian airline is based in Moscow and covers tourist routes to the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, it is also often hired to cover exceptional routes, the paper said.

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan journalist Rafael Poleo, editor-in-chief of Zeta magazine, manifested by Twitter that the plane, with a capacity of 500 people, had arrived empty with the intention of bringing together members of the chavist government and with a double team, which would allow him to take off quickly if necessary.

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However, he later stated: "The huge Russian aircraft we reported on did not come to escape, but 20 tons of gold that are in the coffers of the Central Bank, denounces the deputy José Guerra , very knowledgeable about this issue. "

Horror! The huge Russian aircraft we reported on did not come to escape, but 20 tons of gold that are in the coffers of the Central Bank, denounces the deputy José Guerra, very knowledgeable about it.

– Rafael Poleo (@PoleoRafael)
January 29, 2019

The Boeing 777 can carry a load greater than 70 tons at a cruising speed of 892 kilometers at the hour, at a maximum height of 13,000 meters, with a range of 9,700 to 15,000 kilometers.


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