Russian taxi driver lowered passengers for an unusual reason | Chronic


Some pbadengers took a taxi and, after driving the vehicle for a few blocks, the driver stopped the car and asked them to leave because they had "A lot of garlic smell". The event was recorded by the security camera of the car. The situation took place on a street in the Russian city of Maikop.

The subject was working every day aboard his taxi when he decided to carry around four pbadengers who stopped him in the street. The women got into the vehicle, indicated their destination and the man started walking. However, a strange smell invaded the space and disturbed the driver.

"Who has eaten garlic?" the man asked. The women denied eating this food but, moments later, the subject continued to question the smell of the car and ordered them to leave it.

"You have decided to work as a taxi driver, you must be prepared for everything", said one of the pbadengers. Meanwhile, the worker replied: "Being a cab driver does not mean that I have to transport everyone, I do not have customers who smell, they are one in a hundred."

The subject's response further enervated the woman, who reorganized the situation and mentioned: "Shut up, do not dare to insult my mother." Prior to the prosecution, the man denied insulting, parked the car and turned off the locks of the car so that the women could get off.

Finally, the women left the vehicle angry and the taxi driver posted the video of what happened on his YouTube account, where it became viral and received all kinds of comments from users.


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