Russian television has shown the aims of a supposed nuclear attack against the United States. – 26/02/2019


The Russian president, Vladimir Putin told the United States that Moscow is ready for a Cuban-style missile crisis and a week later, Russian state television lists targets on US soil that would attack the Kremlin in case of nuclear attack. An operation that would achieve through a hypersonic missile what is developing

Dimitri Kiselyov, the host of Vesti Nedeli, the main weekly television news, showed Sunday afternoon a map showing at least five targets in the United States (video capture).

Dimitri Kiselyov, the host of Vesti Nedeli, the main weekly television news, showed Sunday afternoon a map showing at least five targets in the United States (video capture).

According to the agency Reuters, Dimitri Kiselyov, the host of the main weekly television news, Vesti Nedeli, showed a map with at least five goals in the United States on Sunday afternoon: the Pentagon o the American president's vacation home Camp David, Maryland, as well as military operational centers such as Fort Ritchie, an air base at McClellan (California) and a naval base in the state of Washington.

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In his speech on the state of the nation last week, Putin warned the US that if Moscow deploys missiles on European soil, Moscow would take symmetrical measures"Russia will be forced to create and place weapons that can be used not only against the territories where we are directly threatened, but also against the territories where the decision centers are to threaten us with these missiles," he said. . the Russian President, resounding.

Donald Trump, Melania Trump and the son of both, Barron, walking to Camp David, one of the Russian targets in case of attack (AFP).

Donald Trump, Melania Trump and the son of both, Barron, walking to Camp David, one of the Russian targets in case of attack (AFP).

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Kiselyov explained to the cameras that such a threat would be realized place hypersonic nuclear missiles intermediate range in submarines near US waters. According to the presenter, the said missile, called "Tsirkon", could reach the aforementioned centers of operations. in five minutes. Hypersonic flight, it is traveling in the atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound.

After Putin's warning last week, the United States responded that they were not planning to install missiles on European soil, but that Washington was pulling out of the INF treaty on reducing short and medium-range missiles, one of the disarmament agreements. most important nuclear weapon of the cold war, published both the United States as Russia begins to develop and deploy new nuclear weapons.

The Pentagon is another target of a Russian nuclear attack.

The Pentagon is another target of a Russian nuclear attack.

The White House accused Russia last autumn of build a missile prohibited by the treaty and demanded its elimination to avoid the end of the historic compact sealed in 1987. The Russian leader accused the United States of being the first to "seriously" violate the treaty by installing his missile defense shield in Romania and Poland, and then use charges against Russia to justify his decision. The ultimatum was carried out in February and the two countries have now abandoned the treaty.

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This would be the Russian missile "Tsirkon", able to reach the points of the United States in five minutes by means of a hypersonic flight, which means traveling in the atmosphere at a speed of more than five times greater than that of sound.

This would be the Russian missile "Tsirkon", able to reach the points of the United States in five minutes by means of a hypersonic flight, which means traveling in the atmosphere at a speed of more than five times greater than that of sound.

While Putin declared that Russia did not want a new arms race ("We are not interested in a confrontation, especially with a world power like the United States", he said in the speech before the Nation.) In recent days, the tone of his military rhetoric is high.

And when it's not him, it's their voices on public television. Kiselyov, near the Kremlin, He said in his program: "At the moment, we will not threaten anyone, but if such a deployment takes place, our answer will be instant", According to the agency Reuters.

Kiselyov is one of the leading speakers of state television at the heavily anti-American tone. He has already said that Moscow could turn the United States into radioactive ashes (video capture).

Kiselyov is one of the leading speakers of state television at the heavily anti-American tone. He has already said that Moscow could turn the United States into radioactive ashes (video capture).

Kiselyov is one of the leading speakers of the highly anti-American tone of state television, once he said that Moscow could turn the United States into radioactive ash. When asked to comment on Kiselyov's information, the Kremlin responded that it had not intervened in the editorial policy of public television.

On the whole, some badysts see Putin's recent aggressive approach as a tactic to re-engage the United States in discussions about the strategic balance between the two powers, which Moscow has long advocated.

L & # 39; vanguard.



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