In the show, Dmitry Kiselyov, presenter of the channel's main weekly news program Rossiya 1, "Vesti Nedeli", showed A map of the United States and identified several objectives that, according to him, would like to reach the new hyperic missiles "Zircon" (or Tsirkon) in case of nuclear war.
Among the objectives mentioned are the Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense in Virginia; and the Presidential Residence and Command Center in Camp David, Maryland.
They were also clearly marked McClellan Air Force Base in California; Jim Creek Naval Station in Washington; and the Fort Ritchie Military Base, Maryland, mentioned by the journalist from Washington Post Julia Davis
The strange thing about the list is that both The McClellan base like Fort Ritchie stopped working almost two decades ago. The first was decommissioned in 2001 and now houses a museum. The second closed in 1998 and became a real estate development.
For the Russian State Agency Ria Novosti, Fort Richie is home to the "Command Post of the President of the United States" and McClellan is a site where "strategic offensive forces are managed" in the country.
The report, unusual even for the sometimes bellicose character of Russian television, was broadcast Sunday afternoon, A few days after President Vladimir Putin declared that Moscow was militarily ready for a "Cuban missile" crisis, if that is what the Donald Trump government is looking for.
In a context of tension for eRussians fear the United States will deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe after the end of the Cold War Arms Control Treaty (INF)Putin said Russia would be forced to react by placing hypersonic nuclear missiles on submarines near US waters.
The United States declares that it does not intend to deploy such missiles in Europe in the immediate future and downplayed Putin's warnings as false propaganda. At the present time, there is no land-based intermediate range nuclear missile to be located in Europe.
However, his decision to abandon the INF of 1987 for alleged Russian rape, which Moscow denies, This gives you the opportunity to start developing and deploying such missiles.
Putin said Russia did not want a new arms race, but also issued a military speech. Some badysts believe that it is tactical to try to engage the United States again in discussions about the strategic balance between the powers, what Moscow has been looking for for a long time, with disparate results.
In the case of the broadcast Sunday, the focus was not only on the use of high-tech weapons, but also submarines for its launch a few kilometers from the coasts of the United States.
With Reuters information
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