Russia’s support for legislative elections in Venezue …


Attempts to boycott the upcoming elections in Venezuela for the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) next Sunday, December 6, demonstrate the interest of some forces in maintaining instability in that country, denounced the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“Calls not to recognize or boycott elections are regrettable, but we have to honestly admit it: elections are a political reality and therefore ignoring them does not make sense,” he said. the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs María Zajárova, quoted by the official Cuban portal Prensa Latina.

“Those who try to sabotage a legitimate electoral process, They want to maintain political instability and preserve the failed “ Guaidó project ”Said the spokeswoman, referring to the opposition MP who proclaimed himself provisional president.

“Russia starts from the fact that the elections are the most efficient and democratic way to resolve the existing disputes in Venezuela. In addition, Moscow hopes that the new Parliament will become a space for constructive dialogue on the future of this nation,” said he declared. .

In addition, the elections, scheduled for next Sunday, should become “the key to overcoming the contradictions of Venezuelan society,” Zajárova said. “The Venezuelan people are tired of political provocations and coup attempts and it is pronounced, seriously, for a way out of the crisis by a process at the polls ”, declared the person in charge.

“We urge the countries truly interested in a solution to the internal dispute in Venezuela to avoid obstacles to the realization of the constitutional right of the citizens of this country to elect the National Assembly and the way of its future development,” he said. he declares.

Zajárova confirmed last Tuesday’s statements by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, about the trip of a Russian delegation of observers to the South American state.

“I am optimistic that those who watch what is happening in Venezuela from abroad will take into account the objective results of these elections and will not try to advance or impose qualifications on this process according to their political and geopolitical trends, “the Russian Foreign Minister said. when announcing the dispatch of the delegation from your country.

“I am sure that there will be observers from other countries and that their participation in monitoring the electoral process will help form an objective vision that the international community will need to know,” Lavrov said at the time.


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