Rye: "I'm proud to have faced the risk of writing"


First page of Centeno's writing in Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Oscar Bernardo Centeno, full-fledged …

So start the first ten-page paragraphs of a handwriting
Roberto Baratta's commissioner left Judge Claudio Bonadio at the office a week ago. There, he reviews the history of how the relationship with the Federal Planning Ministry began in 2004, the scope of his work and, in addition, defends himself against the accusation of member of a unlawful badociation.

Among the many details it provides, there are some developers who will serve as proof in
the cause of the bribe books. For example, give some codes describing how we talk about money in this Toyota Corolla that was driving. "From
Pescarmona, 173 liters US, transport, 650 liters US and Atucha, 165 liters Europe, "replied Baratta, in the car, once the former president

Néstor Kirchner

He asked her by phone how was the collection.

There was something more. Far from being repentant, Centeno was firm in his decision to corroborate his repentant words. "I am proud to have run the risk of continuing to write until the end of the Kirchner administration and that the notebooks were helpful in clarifying the facts that are the object of 39, an investigation into the current corruption case, "he says.

"Many times, I wanted to leave my job, I wrote in my notebooks on 28/04/2010 and 9/7/2015, where I say:" I went home very well. hot, as always, to feel important, that if I denounce them I am unemployed, I can not stand it anymore, may God guide me. "I also thought that President Néstor Carlos Kirchner was in charge of the organization and that President Cristina Elisabeth (sic) Fernández would also be involved, I still do not know exactly and now, justice says it for sure "At that time, complaining, in addition to losing my job, was dangerous for me and shoveling my family, who would have liked to believe me," he said during a meeting. of the note.

Sheets, copies of which have been accepted
THE NATION, which are all signed by Centeno on the odd sides, begin with a detail of how the working relationship began. In early 2004, a colleague from an agency in which he was working explained to him the benefits that there was to working at the Ministry of Economy as a storeroom. Less car wear and more safety, for example. "There, I got in touch with the Transcom agency and they welcomed me, that's how I arrived at General Services, which consisted of taking different people, until the day I had to see some departments, "he says.

Page two of the brief presented by Centeno a Bonadio
Page two of the brief presented by Centeno a Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Page three of Centeno's letter to Bonadio
Page three of Centeno's letter to Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Like many of the people who testified in the case, Centeno also commented on the mistreatment he suffered. "I want to point out that the relationship with Baratta has always been from driver to official, with remote and superb treatment on his part, he was angry about simple things," he says. He tells, then some events. "Another example of the mistreatment that I printed in my head is the day I took him to a place, we ended up with a picket line, and he started banging his pineapples with fists against the car, telling me that I should have known it, "he added. .

Page four of the paper presented by Centeno in Bonadio
Page four of the paper presented by Centeno in Bonadio Source: THE NACION

He added that in addition to the money paid by the discount, Baratta had paid him money in black to cover the costs of the car and the time he had available. "I spent twice more and I worked
full-time. This agreement of words was long before I noticed the question of the collections that were made. From that moment, the work has increased and affected the whole family (…). All this activity continued until the day before my arrest, the 31/07/2018, "he added.

PáCenteno to Bonadio
PáCenteno to Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Rye also said that he once asked for money from Baratta. "The occasions in which I asked for money because I had not arrived at the end of the month or just needed it, I did it to request a promotion within from Transcom or the army, I must also say that on 23/01/2010, I asked the licensee if he could lend me 20,000 pesos to be able to change cars ", said the remisero.

But Baratta did not seem to want to finance his employee: "Where do you want to get it, I do not have it," he replied. Centeno insisted, told him that he would return it in five installments, but there was no case, the boss did not agree.

Six page of writing that Centeno presented at Bonadio
Six page of writing that Centeno presented at Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Account, in turn, several health problems that were the product of the stress that caused the work. Several notes on medical studies are noted in the notebooks.

Page seven of the handwriting that Centeno gave to Bonadio
Page seven of the handwriting that Centeno gave to Bonadio Source: THE NACION

Finally, he arrived at the point where he gave details of the collection, on the journeys of millions of people that he carried out daily for the powerful Federal Ministry of Planning headed by Julio De Vido. "In my official statement, I say that Rodriguez was the contact to go to Olivos, he corrected him for Gutiérrez, he also communicated with Tatú, I do not know if it was the same person, for example, the 22/04/2010 (it is registered) at 20:15, when Baratta goes to his apartment, Tatú calls to communicate with Dr. Kirchner, who asks to the lawyer how much money he has collected.He tells him in the code: "In the name of Pescarmona, 173 liters US, transport, 650 liters USA and Atucha, 165 liters Europe," he replied.

Page eight of the writing that Centeno presented at Bonadio
Page eight of the writing that Centeno presented at Bonadio Source: THE NACION

In the last pages, Centeno says that he has never regretted having left a record of everything that has happened. "I am proud to have run the risk of continuing to write until the end of the Kirchner administration and that the notebooks were helpful in clarifying the facts that are the object of 39, an investigation into the current corruption case, "he says.

New page of writing that Centeno sent to Bonadio
New page of writing that Centeno sent to Bonadio Source: THE NACION

In the end, Centeno left the allegation. "From where I find myself deprived of freedom and as a result of those people who organized a group to steal the coffers of the country, taking advantage and using the position they held as officials of the Nation, to engage as much All that I read and sometimes see in the news, I realize the magnitude of the facts, always right, "he concludes.

Word, first letter of Rye.

Ten page of writing that Centeno gave to Bonadio
Ten page of writing that Centeno gave to Bonadio Source: THE NACION


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