Sad Christmas in a torn and unequal world in vaccine distribution – Telam


In his Christmas message, Francisco called for “vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable”

Millions of people celebrated a troubled Christmas due to the coronavirus pandemic which continues to cause multiple unrest among deaths, infections and restrictions that the arrival of the vaccine will relieve in priority for the richest countries, a central theme of Pope Francis’ message, who claimed it “for everyone, especially the most vulnerable”.

The Pope’s message

“At this moment in history, marked by the ecological crisis and by serious economic and social imbalances, aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic, we need fraternity more than ever,” he said. Francisco in his Christmas speech.

“This call for solidarity applies particularly to the most fragile people, the sick and all those who are currently without work or in serious difficulty because of the economic consequences of the pandemic, as well as to women who, in these months of detention suffered domestic violence, ”he added.

In this sense, he urged that vaccines be available to all, especially the most vulnerable and argued that “we cannot let closed nationalisms prevent us from living as the true human family that we are, nor let the virus of radical individualism win and win. make us indifferent to suffering. “

Vaccination process and new virus strain

For his part, the director general of World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said in a video message that “vaccines offer the world a way out of this tragedy”, however, “it will take time”.

Tedros praised the “moving sacrifices” millions of people make by staying away from loved ones during Christmas.

Meanwhile, the new strain of the pathogen, the discovery of which was confirmed less than a week ago by the UK, has already been detected in at least eight European countries, the head of the office said. World Health Organization (WHO) for Europe. ), Hans kluge.

“Eight countries in the European region have identified the new variant of Covid-19 VOC-202012/01; it is vital to strengthen existing safeguards, ”Kluge wrote on his Twitter account.

The WHO warns that the new strain is likely to spread among younger age groups.

WHO warns that the new strain is likely to spread among younger age groups.

The official noted that it is necessary to respect the distance, wear a chin strap and stay within the so-called “support bubbles”, which allow a fixed social circle to be formed while the restrictive measures remain in force, in order to avoid social exclusion.

Kluge added that the new strain, unlike the previous ones, is likely to spread among younger age groups, and stressed that there is a need to continue to tighten restriction measures while this mutation is studied.

Last Saturday, the health authorities of United Kingdom has confirmed the presence in southern Britain of a new strain of coronavirus which spreads faster and could be up to 70% more contagious.

However, early studies have shown that there is no evidence that this strain causes more severe symptoms, increases disease lethality, or reduces antibody response or vaccine effectiveness.

Two days later, WHO reported that the new strain had already been detected in other countries, including Australia, Denmark, Italy, Iceland and the Netherlands.

In parallel, another new strain of coronavirus has been found in South Africa, whose Health Minister Zwelini Mkhize said in a statement that there was “no evidence” that he was “more contagious than the UK variant”.

Since last weekend, many countries have suspended their flights United Kingdom and South Africa, and others have strengthened health protocols for people arriving from these countries, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Italy, the most affected European country with nearly 71,000 deaths and more than two million sick, received the first 9,750 doses of the vaccine produced by the American laboratory Pfizer and on the 27th of this month, the vaccination campaign will begin.

Russia reaffirmed that its pioneering antidote Sputnik V, which is 90% effective, does not produce side effects in the elderly, great news for Argentina, which brought back 300,000 doses on Thursday to launch the largest vaccination campaign of its history.

The House of Representatives of United States will vote Monday the bill providing for a subsidy of $ 2,000 to each citizen.

The initiative also includes a new supplement of $ 300 per week for unemployment benefits and $ 284 billion for loans to small businesses whose closure has been revamped after the upsurge in cases.

If the law is not enacted by next Tuesday, there will be a partial government shutdown due to a lack of budget and it is estimated that around 12 million people will lose their unemployment benefits.

The world’s leading power is the most affected by the pandemic, with 18.68 million infections and 329.55 deaths.

Germany it has canceled its traditional Christmas markets while authorities in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro will ban access to the famous Copacabana beach area on the night of December 31 to avoid crowds.


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