Saints April 23: today Saint George is commemorated


Revered by millions of people, Saint George it’s him england boss, Portugal, Georgia, Bulgaria and Ethiopia. He was a soldier who lived between 275 or 280 and the 23 april 303, the day for which his saints are celebrated.

Legend has it that after the death of his father Gerontius, an officer in the Roman army, Jorge moved with his mother Polychronia to the city of Lydda, now Lod, in Israel. There he was educated in the Fe Cristiana and after reaching the age of majority, he enlisted in the army.

Thanks to his enormous charisma, Jorge developed a leading career and before turning 30 he was assigned to Nicomedia as personal guard of Emperor Diocletian (284-305). A relationship that would end up costing him his life.

In 303, an edict of the emperor authorizes the persecution of Christians throughout the empire. This order continued with Galerius (305-311). Upon receipt of orders to participate in said task, Jorge confessed to being a Christian And this is how the emperor ordered that they torture him to lower his attitude, which did not happen.

By order of the emperor, Jorge was beheaded in front of the walls of Nicomedia the 23 April 303. The body of the martyr was sent to Lydda to be buried.

In 494, George was canonized by Pope Gelasius I. It wasn’t until the 9th century that the legend of Saint George on horseback became popular as the conqueror of a dragon that frightened an entire population.

In addition to San Jorge, also known as Sant Jordi or San Chorche, the Catholic Church honors every April 23:


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